You recoil from the crude; you tend naturally toward the exquisite.
FrontPage遣; › ̺
LaTeX Ǵ õ ɰ ϸ . ̸ Ÿ ؼ ̴ .

1 ̺
1.1 ̺
1.2 ̺()
1.2.1 \hfill vs. \hfil
2 ̻
3 ̸
4 ݸ
5 Math Mode
6 Q & A

1 ̺


1.1 ̺

̺ ڰ ٲ ִ LaTeX ɵ̴. ,
\setlength, \addtolength ɿ Ͽ ִ.
  1. \parindent : 鿩
  2. \baselineskip : ణ (ڵ baseline baseline Ÿ)
    (KTUGOperate:14835) \baselineskip Ϸ 밳 \fontsize ɿ մϴ. \fontsize{10pt}{12pt} 10pt ۲ÿ 12pt \baselineskip شٴ Դϴ. ̹ κ ۲ÿ Ͽ ֽϴ.
  3. \parskip : ܰ ̿ \baselineskip ܿ ִ ߰
    DeleteMe ߰ ϴ ʹ ʳ׿ -- DohyunKim
    DeleteMe \baselineskip + \parskip ܰ ȴٴ ǹε.... ǥ ֽø . :) --Karnes
  4. \textwidth : ؽƮ
  5. \linewidth : ־ ȯ ؽƮ
  6. \textheight : ؽƮ
  7. \unitlength : picture ȯ濡 ⺻ . default 1 pt( 0.35 mm) ȴ.

1.2 ̺()

̺ ̸ ϴ ̴. Ѵ.
 a\hspace{2\fill}b\hfill c
2\fill ǹϰ ᱹ 0 ȴ. ϴ Ϸ \stretch ̿Ѵ.
 a\hfill\hfill b\hfill c        %ٰ   δ
  • \fill : ⺻ 0pt ̸ ߰ϴ .
  • \hfill : \hspace\fill .
  • \vfill : \vspace\fill .
  • \dotfill : \hfill ä.
  • \hrulefill : \hfill ׾ش.
  • []

    1.2.1 \hfill vs. \hfil

    \hfill b\hfill 
    \hfil b
    \hfill b\hfill c\hfill  
    b\hfil c
    ȴ. \hfil
    minipage ȯ LaTeXBoxes Ŀ ϰ ְ, ٴϴ°ü Ŀ ϰ ִ. Ư ɾ \centering ̳ center ȯ ʴ ϰ ִ. See KTUGOperate:21214.


    2 ̻

    \setlength ٲ \renewcommand ؾ ϴ LaTeX Ű ̴. ̴ ־ ƴ϶ ¼ ؾ Ѵ.
    1. \baselinestretch : \baselineskip $$n$$踦 Ͽ ణ ϴ . ⺻ $$1.0$$̴.
      <!> ܿ ణ ٲٷ \baselineskip , \baselinestretch ¼ . \renewcommand\baselinestretch{2.0} double spacing ְ Ѵ.

    3 ̸

    1. \newlength
      ο ̺ Ѵ.
    2. \setlength
      ̺ ҴѴ. See also Tabularȯ "Ÿ "
      \setlength{\Mylen}{5mm plus 1mm minus .5mm}
      %  ǻ  +1mm, -0.5mm ȿ     ִٴ ǹ
    3. \addtolength
      ̺ Ѵ. ־ٸ ״ ȴ.
      \addtolength{\Mylen}{\baselineskip} % \Mylen \baselineskipŭ þ
    4. \settowidth
      ؽƮ(Ʒ ABCD) ŭ ̺ ִ.

    4 ݸ

    See ݶ
    <!> ̾ƿ õ \enlargethispage ִ. ؼ α(height) ִ Ѵ. \enlargethispage{value} Preamble س Ǹ α̿ value ŭ ؼ ̴ ̰, \enlargethispage*{value} Ǹ α̴ ׳ ä, ٰ ݾ ٿ value ŭ ó ش.

    5 Math Mode

    1. \; : \quad 5/18
    2. \: : \quad 4/18
    3. \, : \quad 3/18(= \thinspace), ۿ 밡
    4. \! : \, ̳ʽ (= \negthinspace)
    5. \quad : ۲ em(簢 Ȱ) , ۿ 밡
    6. \qquad : \quad ι, ĸ ۿ 밡

    6 Q & A



    Q. ̽ ִ ˷ּ.

    A. See DoubleSpace

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