Your lover will never wish to leave you.
FrontPage占십몌옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙見占ProgressiveRock&value=۲ › Karnes/2006-01
Jan 25, 2006
, CJKLaTeX ϼ ѱ .
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-25 [07:28 pm]
иӰ ϴ Խ ַ ܼ ͵̴. contrib Խ ϳ ޾Ҵµ  ̰ ۵  ׳ عȴ. ( ijÿ ֱ ѵ...) ̰ コ ٽ ø⵵ ׷ صδ Ѵ.

2002.1.29. 16:24:18.
ϼ Ѵ ѱ ó(CJK+cyberbit+MSbatang),

CJK Ű ̿ؼ ϼ Ѵ ѱ LaTeX óϴ ޸Դϴ.

*  *

CJK Ű ̿ UTF-8 Է ó ؼ Խǿ 赵 Բ Ͻð ǰ ٰ ְ, ϼ  ѱ ó Ȱ Խ ۿ ⸦ ּ̽ϴ. http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/read.php?table=operate&no=534&page=3

ü Բ ٴ Դϴ. Ʒ Ѱ CJK Ű+UTF-8 ڵó ʴ´ٴ , ü ü Ȱ뿡 ؼ ϰ ʴٴ Դϴ. ٷ Ʒ 赵 ÷ֽ ڵ Ҿ, 켱 HLaTeX Ѱ踦 Ѿ Ȱ밡ɼ ϱ ϰڽϴ. ۿ ϴ texmf-btu.tar.gz ýۿ ġϰ 赵 缭 ص ˴ϴ.( κ cyberbit Ʈ ̿մϴ.)

* ⺻ *

  1. PDF Ѵ. TTF-embedded PDF ̿ϱ ϰ, pdflatex Ѵ.
    => KTUG ̰ ǵ Դϴ. ⼭ ttf2tfm ֱ ġ ̿ϱ ϰ PDFLaTeX ġ ʾҽϴ.
  2. CJK Ű ̿Ѵ.
    => HLaTeX ̿ϴ ƴմϴ. => CJK Ű ġ fpTeX ̿ϴ մϴ. ٿ޾Ƽ TEXMF Ʈ ؼ Ǯ mktexlsr ϸ ˴ϴ. Linux ణ ߰ ƿƼ ġ ʿ䰡 ֽϴٸ.... http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/fptex/0.5/packages/cjk.zip (25.7M)
  3. UTF-8 ڵ ԷѴ.
    => ڵ带 ϴ ε, Ȯϼ ƴ϶ Ͻʽÿ. CJK Ű UTF-8 Է ó ִٴ ̿ϴ Դϴ.
  4. Cyberbit Ʈ Windows 2000 ü ۲ .
    => Cyberbit Ʈ UTF-8 ڵ ڸ κ ϰ ִ ü 迭 () ۲Դϴٸ, ŸԵ ѱ KSX-1001 شϴ ڸ ϰ ֽϴ. ׷Ƿ, ٸ ڵ ڴ Cyberbit Ʈ ϰ ѱ ڵ ۲ ڴٴ Դϴ. Cyberbit Ʈ ڷǿ 赵 Բ ÷ν "cjk-latex ڵ带 Ẹ" ۿ ٿ ִ ֽϴ.
    => ü batang.ttc breakttc.exe batang.ttf ̸  մϴ.

* *

  1. (ġ) ttf2tfm Ͽ cyberbit.ttf batang.ttf *.tfm, *.enc . TeX ̸ մϴ. (⼭ btu Ͽ.)
  2. ѱ ڵ ڿ شϴ κ(AC-D7)  tfm enc ٲ۴.
  3. btu.map شκ cyberbit.ttf batang.ttf ٲ۴.
    ( : 鹬۲ texmf Ʈ Բ ġصξٸ batang.ttf ̸ ġǷ 쿡 ̸ ٲٽñ ٶϴ.)
  4. pdftex.cfg btu.map ø.
    ( : ݵ ȿ ִ pdftex.cfg մϴ. texmf Ʈ ִٸ д texmf Ʒ $TEXMF/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg Ͻʽÿ.)

  5. map +btu.map

  6. UTF-8 ڵ Է ۼϰ غ. => Win2k Ʈе忡 UTF-8 Դϴ. ׸ Ultraedit ͵ ϴ. Linux yudit ڵ Ⱑ ֽϴ.(赵 ˷ּ)


Ǹ ؼ غ  ÷ξϴ. http://my.ktug.or.kr/misc/texmf-btu.tar.gz (6.8M)

TEXMF Ʈ ϸ鼭 ( texmf-local ) Ǯ cyberbit.ttf ġ(fonts/truetype/cyberbit/) Ͻʽÿ. ׷ mktexlsr Filename Database ϰ, pdftex.cfg tex/latex/btu/test ִ ϰ Ʒ 赵 缭 غʽÿ.

Ͽ batang.ttf cyberbit.ttf ʽϴ. (cyberbit.ttf ǰ ֽϴ.)

ִ unicode_test.tex Ͽ acroread ִ ȭ ĸ߽ϴ.

» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 25, 2006
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-25 [03:08 am]
 ϴĿ ޶ ϴ. ̶ Ȩ ؾ Ѵٴ ̷ ֳ? KTUG  ̳ʿ Ʈ ָ ִ ⸦.

޸ (翬) css ϵ . ٲٴ Ѵ.

̹ FireFox on Mac OS X. ͽ÷η ޶ ߿ Ȳ... ũ ٿд.


ٲ Ȩ


κ firefox óϴ Ŷ ٸ׿. ϼ. :-) ׸, ٲ ϴ ξ 빮δ ϰ ̻Դϴ. ϼ̾. :-) -- Anonymous 2006-01-25 19:53:06

©ȱ.. ⼭ ٸٴ Ȱ// κ մϴ. -- Anonymous 2006-01-25 19:55:25
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 24, 2006
Mark Knopfler, A Night in Summer Long Ago
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-24 [02:34 am]
ϳ ޾ҽϴ. Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits, A Night in London (1996) DVDε (ø ȥڼ) ־ϴ. ݿ Ǹ 뷡 ߿ mp3 ã øϴ. 񽺷 Բ. @A_Night_In_Summer_Long_Ago.mp3 (4.32 MB)

My lady may I have this dance / Forgive a knight who knows no shame / My lady may I have this dance / And lady may I have your name / You danced upon a soldiers arm / And I felt the blade of love so keen / And when you smiled you did me harm / And I was drawn to you, my queen / Now these boots may take me where they will / Though they may never shine like his / There is no knight I would not kill / To have my ladys hand to kiss / Yes and they did take me through the hall / To leave me not one breath from you / And they fell silent one and all / And you could see my heart was true /

Then I did lead you from the hall / And we did ride upon the hill / Away beyond the city wall / And sure you are my lady still / A night in summer long ago / The stars were falling from the sky / And still, my heart, I have to know / Why do you love me, lady, why?

׿. Ÿ  ġ. 뷡 Ƿ ׳ ׷ϴ. :) ̾ Ʈ ߿ private investigation brothers in arms ϴ. -- Progress 2006-01-24 20:15:05
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 20, 2006
ġ ø
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-20 [02:27 am]
ۼ ܼġ ø .
  1. Debian Linux Hangul-ucs ܼġ Ű -> ̰ ALee Կ Debian Ű ȭϿ.
  2. Windows Hangul-ucs ܼġ Ű
  3. Macintosh OS X ܼġ Ű
  4. Windows HLaTeX 1.0.1 ܼġ Ű

ڵȭ ġ α׷ ϴ ƴ϶ ״ "ڵ" ܼġ Ű̱ , е غ ٿ ϸ ׷ ۵Ѵٰ Ѵ. ణ ʹ.

ü ... Windows / CygWin ؼ ġ Ű ʾ CygWinġϱ Ʋ Windows, CygWin, Debian, Mac ̰  ε ġ ؼ ü̴.

۾ ÷ س ϳ ʾҳ . ׸... ü ϳ 迡 Ѵ. Virtual PC Wiindows 98 ġϰ TeX WinLaTeX ôµ ȴ. ۾ȯ鵵 Ǹ TeX ý̾ ʳ .

ϼ̽ϴ. Ƶ Ű Ѱ ѱ Ű ϼǰ. ֱٿ Intel Mac õǰ Virtual PC 밡 ũ Ʈ , η ϴ ø ϳ׿. -- Anonymous 2006-01-20 09:36:53
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 18, 2006
ϷƮ (?)
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-18 [08:29 am]
ȣ Բ ׸ ϷƮͷ ذǴ ̴ϱ ؼ ڰ Ͻ ִ. ׷ ߿Դ. pstoedit, ps2eps, pdftops, jpeg2ps, purifier(purifyeps DOS ġ · ), mpost, eps2eps, xfig, jfig, InkScape, netpbm... ƹư ׸ ó ؼ õ غ .

׷ٰ ̹ ¥ ϳ óϰ Ǿ ϷƮ͸ Ͽ ġϿ. ׸...

̻ . ׸ ذ. eps/pdf ׸̶ Ư ϷƮ ȯ̴. Ÿ ѹ ߻ ʴ´.... ̷ Ǹ α׷̶(!)

ϷƮͱ ׸ ׷ Omigraffle Pro ̿ؼ (¾ ó) ٻ ̾ ׷ ֽϴ. ع ǰ ŭ̳ Ͱ ǰ ̰ ִ. -- Anonymous 2006-01-18 11:36:48

Omnigraffle Pro ִµ . :-) ο switcherε, ƹ ȸ ǰ ߽ϴ. ȾƱ α׷Դϴ. ٵ, Ͻ epsε saveǴµ ũⰡ մϴ. , pdf saveϸ ۽ϴ. ׷ latex dvipdfmx ٴ pdflatex Ǿϴ. -- recypace 2006-01-19 05:15:54

OmniOutliner ǵ ִ ? ƿ̳ʰ ʿ . ƹư pdflatex ε ܿ Դϴ. ؽƮ ˻ Ǵ pdf OS X 忡 󸶳 Ȳϰڽϱ? tex2pdf ũƮ ̿ϴ μ ּ (TeXShop/DVIPDFMx). Spotlight ɸ pdf ʽϴ. -- Anonymous 2006-01-19 10:49:50

OmniOutliner ô ϴ. 󵵰 ξ :-). ֱ ſ ֽϴ. ׷ pdflatex ˻ ȵ ִٴ غó׿.. OTL... ̶ ׷. ִµ Ͻ Ŀ ׸ pdf Ѱ? ƴϸ 帰ٿ graflle EPS export ʹ Ŀ dvi viewer refreshϴµ ɸŵ. :-( -- Anonymous 2006-01-19 19:20:03

Դϴ. ;) PDF, PDF׸ϱ, bbϾ ø ˴ϴ. .bb ణ ϱ pdf Ͽ ؼ gs-ebb.sh ̿ϸ jpg ׸ ebb óݴϴ. ƿ  OS X eps dvi ƹ ϴ. ׳ pdf ϸ ˴ϴ. -- Karnes 2006-01-19 21:24:47
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 16, 2006
ʿ TeX
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-16 [04:23 am]

̳. FF Wizz RSS 2.0.6 ִ ٴ  Extention ñ --hermian -- hermian 2006-01-16 15:50:56

RSS ReaderԴϴ. ÷α׸ . :)
-- Karnes 2006-01-16 23:11:58
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 09, 2006
OSX/OroborOSX nabi ѱ Է
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-09 [05:50 am]
fink gnome ġϰ nabi Ͽ . scim õϿ . OroborOSX nabi ̿Ͽ gedit ȭ̴.

» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 08, 2006
iStorm Screen shot
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-08 [03:27 am]
Mac α׷ ġ ؼ ͳ ϴٰ iStorm̶ ִ ƿ(?) α׷ ߰ߴ. P2P, ͳ , ̸ , ä ۾ TeX ۼ, ׸׸... 峭 ѵ ĵ ִ α׷. ũ ũ .

» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 07, 2006
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-07 [04:09 am]
Ϻϰ ƹ͵ Ƽ 4 Windows XP 迡 TeX ý ġغҴ. .
  1. ALZip ġ (.tar.gz Ǯ ؼ)
  2. MiKTeX 2.4 ġ (ٿε, ν, ¶ξƮ)
  3. ۲ ý ġ
  4. hangul-ucs ܼġ Ű
  5. TeXmaker ġ ( Ǯ )
  6. MiKTeX Options ROOTs Ʈ
  7. AdobeReader ġ
  8. TeXmaker , dhucsdoc.tex ҷ, õ (UTF8å, dvipdfm dvipdfmx ϰ QuickBuild dvipdfm ġ )
  9. QuickBuild õ (¶ Ű Ʈ )
  10. AdobeReader Ǹ鼭 Ϻ ߱ ۲ ġ
ɸ ð 27. AdobeReader ALZip ̹ ġǾ ־ٸ MiKTeX+Hangul-ucs 10 ۿ ɸ ʴ´. ̴.
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 04, 2006
ũ ɱ
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-04 [08:08 am]
ؾ Ӵϴ. [[TableOfContents]] ũθ ϸ ǿ ȣ ٽϴ. ȣ Ͽ ũ ֳ׿.
[#s-2 2ġ]
ٸ 2 ġ ũ ɾ־ϴ.
[wiki:#s-2  2]
» ޱ | Ʈ

ĸƼŸ 1 Allamande
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-04 [12:54 am]
ø ̳½ϴ. :) ̻ ÷ Դϴ. Bach, Partita, No.1 in b-minor, BWV 1002 1 Allamande and DoubleԴϴ. 츮 ȭ dzΰ ִ ̶ ϴ. õǰ ȭ ֵ 𸣰  J. Szigeti 1959 Դϴ. ٸ ̳׿.
ʰ ͼ ϴ. Ѱ ܵӴϴ. ð Ͻô ֽʽÿ. - 迵

絵 ٿӴϴ.

Only Love from the Scarlet Pimpernel 

I see you try to turn away
I hear the words you want to say
I feel how much you need to hide
What's happening inside you tonight

Come meet my eyes one moment more
Our eyes are different than before
This night, so beautiful and strange
This night begins to change who we are                       

Don't turn away, it's only love 
Quietly coming to you
Whispering through you
Take my hand-it's only love
Let it come through you slowly
Don't be afraid - it's only love

We touch, the dark begins to stir
We can't go back to where we were
Don't be afraid to make it real
Don't be afraid to feel tonight 
Don't turn away - it's only love
Only a touch that frees you
Let it release you
Take the chance - it's only love
Open your heart and show me
Don't be afraid - it's only love

Don't close your eyes
Don't hold it in
Reach out to me
Let it all begin

Don't be afraid - it's only love
Only a touch that frees you
Let it release you
Take the chance - it's only love
Let it come through you slowly
Open your heart and show me
Don't be afraid it's only love 
-- gromov 2006-02-06 23:22:48

ϴ. մϴ. ;) -- Karnes 2006-02-07 02:32:04
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 03, 2006
Beethoven, Violin Sonata No.5 in F major, op.24
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-03 [08:20 am]
ظ ̶ ϴ ɱ? ƹư Beethoven ̿ø ҳŸ Spring 1 Ͻö ̻ ÷ΰڽϴ. (翬 Ʈ ƴ ǹǷ ٿε޾Ƽ ž ٷ дϴ. :) ) [http]Spring Sonata, 1st Movement, 9'40", 4Mb
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jan 01, 2006
Submitted by Karnes @ 01-01 [06:08 am]
ڰ Ͼ ε ¥ 2006 ٲ ֳ׿. ƴ 𸣽ô ؿ ູϰ ǰ ذ ǽñ⸦.


. Ծ ϴ. ^^ ϴ KTUG ϴ.--hermian -- hermian 2006-01-01 08:44:01

. -- Anonymous 2006-01-01 10:41:21
» ޱ | Ʈ

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