Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占썩에占쏙옙占싼글뀐옙占쏙옙占쏙옙&value=AutoTraceSpeedBar › WinEdtġ

(!) MiKTeX ϰ ִ ( ) WinEdtԴϴ. Ʒ ׸ "Default Startup Sequence ..." ÷ ׸ "TeX Live Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ "TeXLive"(cf. [http]TeX Live) ϰ ִ ϴ.--Yhchoe

1 WinEdt ġ
1.1 ٿε
1.2 ġ
2 WinEdt ġ
2.1 Configuration Wizard
2.2 File Type Association ڵ
2.3 Default Startup Sequence ...
2.4 dvi2pdf, dvi2ps, ps2pdf
2.5 " ޽ ҽ(WinEdt â) ãư"
2.6 "Inverse DVI Search"(Yap â TeX ã)
2.7 Ÿ
3 ÿ

1 WinEdt ġ

WinEdt 5.5 20071003 ֽϴ.

This version integrates seamlessly with MiKTeX 2.5 or 2.6 and Adobe 8.
<:( WinEdt 5.4 MiKTeX 2.5 100% ʽϴ.
<:( WinEdt 5.5 Gather Control GUI Page Control MiKTeX 2.4 compatible ʽϴ. See KTUGContrib:3567

(./) (From KTUGSetup:6924) MiKTeX ġϸ GhostScript ʿ ϴ. \miktex\bin\mgs.exe GhostScript gswin32c.exe մϴ.(׷ GSView, پ GhostScriptUtilities Ϸ GhostScript ġϴ մϴ.)

(./) ϶(Syntax Highlighting) Ǿ, ѱ Ÿ νϿ ڵ Ÿ Ϸ Options -> Dictionary Manager -> Settings "Check Only Words Containing 7-bit ASCII Characters" üũϽø ˴ϴ. (5.5 ν ϸ ⺻ üũǾ )

(!) : WinEdit ƴϰ WinEdtԴϴ. ° (i) մϴ(KTUGBoard:415).

WinEdt ġ(Ǵ Ʈ) ϴ.


1.1 ٿε

Ŭմϴ. ٽ ȭ ٲ Ʒ ʿ
 WinEdt 5.5: [Build: 20071003] (winedt55.exe 7.02 MB)
ֽϴ. ƹ Ŭϸ "winedt55.exe" ٿε ֽϴ.


1.2 ġ

ٿε winedt5x.exe ϸ ġ 簡 Ÿ ġ ȳմϴ. c:\Program Files Ʒ WinEdt Team ͸ Ʒ ٽ WinEdt ͸ ϴ. winedt5x.exe ϱ WinEdt â ݰ Ͽ մϴ. WinEdt â ¿ winedt5x.exe ϸ ޽ Ÿϴ. Ȳ ִ WinEdt â ݰ "ٽý" ߸ ˴ϴ. ̹ WinEdt ִ ߰ "Overwrite Protection" ȭڰ Ÿ "Yes to All" ߸ մϴ. Ͽ ɼǵ ״ ˴ϴ.



WinEdt ް Ͻôٰ ϴ Foldoc:ShareWareԴϴ. (Ϻ) Ϲ(Educational) 40, л(Student) 30Դϴ. WinEdt ϴ WinEdt â Help ޴ ŬϿ ޴ ߸ "Register WinEdt..." Ŭϸ "WinEdt 5 - Registration Data" ȭڰ ϴ. (̹ ȣ(Code) ٷ Էϼ). Ʒ "Online Purchase ..." ߸ Ŭϸ ִ Ʈ(WinEdt Registration) ϴ. (ü, , л), Ϻ(ũ) ǥ ǥ Ÿϴ. ⼭ Ϻ(Ķ ݾ) Ŭϸ Form Ÿϴ.


2 WinEdt ġ

WinEdt : MiKTeX, GhostScript, GSView, Adobe Reader "PATH ȯ " ʾƵ ˴ϴ(KTUGOperate:5334). Ǿ ִ üũϴ Ʒ ׸ 2 ~ ׸ 4 ֽϴ.


2.1 Configuration Wizard

WinEdt WinEdt â ߰ Install.txt
 ***WinEdt Configuration Wizard
ȭ(Ʒ ׸ ) Ÿϴ. ̶ Install.txt ׳ ѹ о ݾƵ ˴ϴ. "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭ ڴ ׳ Ʒ "File Type Association ڵ " (Ǵ KTUGContrib:387) TeX ϵ ܰ θ Ѳ " ɼ" " " ø մϴ.


2.2 File Type Association ڵ


׸ 1: WinEdt
 ***WinEdt Configuration Wizard
ȭڰ Ÿ TeX ϵ " ɼ" " " Ѳ ø ֽϴ. ( WinEdt WinEdt â ޴(Menu Bar)
 Options -> Configuration Wizard 
Ŭϸ "WinEdt Configuration Wizard" ȭڰ Ÿϴ. ٽ ȭ ޴ "Filetype Associations" ϸ ʿ "Modify Filetype Associations..." ߰ ֽϴ. ̰ Ŭϸ ׸
 WinEdt TeX Icons and Filetype Associations - Classes Root
ȭ(dialog) Ÿϴ. ⼭ WinEdt üũϰ OK ߸ ϴ. ( ׸ txt ̹ üũǾ ʾҴ ̰͵ üũ OK ߸ txt ϵ WinEdt ְ ־ մϴ.)


2.3 Default Startup Sequence ...

MiKTeX, Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader ̵ WinEdt Ǿ üũϿ WinEdt â ޴
 Options->Configuration Wizard...
ã Ŭϸ
 *** WinEdt Configuration Wizard 
ȭڰ ϴ. ⼭ Diagnosis ϸ WinEdt and External Applications̶ ȭ ߰ "ũ " Ʒ ׸ κ ֽϴ. OS, WinEdt Path, Windows Path ֽϴ.

׸2: ׸ WinEdt 5.5 ĸ Դϴ.

ٽ "ũ " ǻͿ ġ TeX α׷ ü ġ (ũ) ֽϴ.


׸3: ׸ WinEdt 5.3 Ǵ 5.4 ĸ Դϴ.

ٽ "ũ " ǻͿ ġ TeX α׷ ġ (ũ ) ֽϴ.

׸ 4: ׸ WinEdt 5.1 Ǵ 5.2 ĸ Դϴ.

κ ֽϴ. ⵵ üũϿ ʽÿ. GhostScript ġ ȵǾ Ʒ ޽ ֽϴ.


GS-Bin:(gswin32c.exe): not Found


Ghostscript is used mainly to handle graphics (ps and eps files) and to
convert ps files to pdf. Without it your TeX system may have a limited ability to
display graphics but the basic functionality is not affected by its absence. It
is recommended that you install Ghostscript and GSView to enhance the
capabilities of your TeX system. A link is available on TUG's (www.tug.org)
site. If GS is installed make sure that its BIN directory is on your PATH.
WinEdt did not find any trace of installed GS in Windows Registry. If
necessary, enter the GS Binary Folder manually in the Ghostscript Tab
Page of the Execution Modes interface. Depending on your version of GS

disable the Auto Detection and enter something like:

C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin


DVI , Ghostcsript, GSView, Adobe Reader ΰ Ʋ ְų Startup.edt (KTUGSetup:5790 )Ͽ θ ġų α׷ ٽ Ƽ ġ ˴ϴ. Startup.edt WinEdt ֱ ۾ ġ ٴ α׷ ٽ մϴ. Adobe Reader Adobe Acrobat ϰڽϴ. Adobe Reader 7.0 HWP MS Office PDF ʿ䰡 ־ Adobe Acrobat 6.0 ҽϴ. ׷ ׸ AcroRead:
  C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
PDF View ΰ ֽϴ. Adobe Reader 7.0.1, Adobe Reader 7.0.2, Adobe Reader 7.0.3 ƮϿ δ ٲ ʾҽϴ. ׷ 7.0.3 Ʈ, 7.0.2 Ʈ, 7.0.1 Ʈ ׸ Adobe Reader 7.0 Adobe Reader 7.0 Ҵ ׸ ΰ ϴ. WinEdt α׷ ߿ α׷ θ 󰡴 ϴ.


׸5: ׸ WinEdt 5.4 ĸ Դϴ. "fpTeX (TeX Live) Configuration"̶ ߰ ִ fpTeX (TeX Live) ϰ ϴ. ߸ Tool Bar ߵ ٲϴ. Ƹ "fpTeX (TeX Live)" TeXify Դϴ. TeXify ߰ ϴ. ׸ "TtH" ߰ ȰȭǾϴ.

2.4 dvi2pdf, dvi2ps, ps2pdf

"MiKTeX + WinEdt" MiKTeX Ʈ " ԰"(Paper Size) A4() Ǵ ̰, WinEdt" Ʈ " ԰" Letter () Դϴ. Ʈ Ͽ Yap ̴ DVI " ԰ ũ" AdobeReader ̴ PDF " ԰ ũ" ޸ Ÿϴ. Presentation PDF " " ڵ ʽϴ. dvi2pdf, dvi2ps, ps2pdf Command Line Switches Ͽ δ ϴ.
See WinEdtTip/α׷.


2.5 " ޽ ҽ(WinEdt â) ãư"

߻ ⺻ ⸦ WinEdt : ޽ Ÿ TeX ҽ ش ġ NotePad WinEdt մϴ. "Inverse DVI Search" Ͽ Yap ޴ View->Options (Ʒ ׸ 6 ) " ޽ ҽ ãư" ȿϱ miktex.ini ʿ䰡 ϴ. See WinEdtTip/ҽãư.


׸ 6: Yap ޴ View->Options ϸ Options ȭڰ ϴ. ⼭ Inverse DVI Search ϸ "WinEdt (auto-detected)" ֽϴ. ̰ ϰ "Ȯ" ߸ ˴ϴ.

2.6 "Inverse DVI Search"(Yap â TeX ã)

Inverse DVI Search Yap â DVI ϸ WinEdt â ִ ҽ(: TeX ش ġ) ڸ Ŭϸ ãư Դϴ. see WinEdtTip/InverseSearch


2.7 Ÿ

WinEdt ɿ ɼ ܿ ֽϴ. Ű WinEdtTip ãư ˴ϴ.
ٸ (: Navigation Bar, Find in Files ) ũ (.edt ) [http]WinEdt Org ͼ ġϰ ϸ ˴ϴ. ׷ ̵ ũ ʿ伺 𸣰ڽϴ.--Yhchoe


3 ÿ

(!) MiKTeX̶ "" WinEdt "" ּ Ÿ TeX ָ ϼž. KTUGContrib:499 ޴ ("ǰ ġ") ⺻ ڽ(" TeX ") Ұϰ ֽϴ. ̶ּ ʹ ӵ . () εĨϴ. â(̰ Console Window ϴ. Console ִ븦 Ѵϴ. α׷ ʷ Ÿ ϴ 鿩 ̶ ̰) ġ Ÿϴ. ׸ Log Ͽ ֽϴ.

DeleteMe ĵ Ǵµ, ƴ 𸣰ڽϴ. մϴ. :) --WkPark
˷ ּŵ ĵ ϴ. :D --Yhchoe

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