You will be aided greatly by a person whom you thought to be unimportant.

LaTeX ִ δ. ִ Ʒ ´.

Some running text\footnote{%
 This is Footnote.}

1 LaTeX ָ
2 ֿ
3 LaTeX Ű
4 ٴϴ°ü
5 ٴ
6 Q & A
6.1 ̺ ؽƮ ̱
6.2 ߰ ȣ
6.3 ȣ ȣڷ
6.4 ָ ϴ о߱
6.5 ȣ ̻ ޾ ̱
6.6 ȣ ̱
6.7 ȣ 
6.8 ̱
6.9 multicol Ű
6.12 ָ singlespace
6.13 ָ paragraph ·
6.14 verbatim
6.15 ȣ
6.16  ̾
7.1 ledmac Ű
7.2 manyfoot, ednotes Ű
7.3 bigfoot Ű
8 ThanksNote


1 LaTeX ָ

LaTeX ָ ϱ ؼ ϴ  ߿ ִ.

  1. \footnotemark \thefnmark

  2. \footnoterule

  3. \footnotesep

  4. \footnotesize

  5. \footnotetext

  6. \footnotewidth

  7. \fnsymbol

  8. \thefootnote

  9. mpfootnote

  10. \skip\footins Ǵ \footskip

2 ֿ

ֶ ְ Ʒ ʰ (chapter) ִ Ѵ. <-> ȯ ؼ EndNotes Package δ. See /.

ִ ּ д. ̿ ޸ (chapter) ּ δ ִ. ̸ Ͽ pagenote Ű ִ.

3 LaTeX Ű

  1. footmisc Ű پ ߰ ϴ Ű
  2. footnpag Ű per page ȣ
  3. mdwtools footnote Ÿ parbox, minipage footnote 浹 ذִ Ű
  4. yafoot
    1. pfnote : per page ȣ .
    2. fnps : ġ ϴ .
    3. dblfnote : ָ ̴.


4 ٴϴ°ü

ٴϴ ü ָ ̴ .


MinipageFootnote ̿ϴ

Minipage Footnote ޸ mpfootnote Ư Minipage ϴܿ ٴ´. ̸ ̿Ͽ ٴϴ ü ָ ü(ǥ, ׸) ϴܿ ġų ִ.

̺ ٷ Ʒ ֱ

ǥȿ ָ ÷ϴ Ϲ minipage ̿ϴ ̴.
    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
      Year & Rate \\\hline
      1999 & 10.8\footnote{ǥ Ʒ } \\\hline
      2000 & 8.8 \\\hline
  \caption{minipage  }
    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
      Year & Rate \\\hline
      1999 & 10.8\footnote{ǥ Ʒ } \\\hline
      2000 & 8.8 \\\hline
  \caption{minipage  }

ٴϴ ü Q&A

Q. ǥ ȿ ָ ޱ ؼ minipageȯ ̿ϰ ִµ, ҿ ֹȣ οϰ ͽϴ.  ϳ?
A.  ٵ \renewcommand\thefootnote{\it\alph{footnote}} ̿ϴ ϴٰ ϴ.
      First\footnote{first footnote} &
      Second\footnote{second footnote} &
  \caption{  ȣ  ̱}\label{tab:le1}
      First\footnote{first footnote} &
      Second\footnote{second footnote} &
  \caption{  ȣ  ̱}\label{tab:le1}


ThreePartTable ̿ϴ

threeparttable.sty Donald Arseneau ǥ ۼ Ÿ Űμ, threeparttable ȯ Ѵ.
  • threeparttable ǥ κ ȴ: (1) caption, (2) tabular, (3) tablenotes.
  • tabular κп ּ ġ \tnote ǥѴ.
  • tablenotes ȯ list ȯó \item .
Donor & Acceptor & $R_{o}$ (\AA)\\
CPM\tnote{a} & Fluorescein & 47 \\
Proflavin & ETSC\tnote{b} & 46 \\
CF\tnote{c} & TR\tnote{d} & 51\\
Donor & Acceptor & $R_{o}$ (\AA)\\
CPM\tnote{a} & Fluorescein & 47 \\
Proflavin & ETSC\tnote{b} & 46 \\
CF\tnote{c} & TR\tnote{d} & 51\\


mbenotes ̿ϴ

\tabnote \thetabnotes ̿Ѵ. \thetabnotes tabular ̳ 𿡼 ִ. mbenotes ϴ ٸ ɿ ؼ MbeNotesPackage .
\usepackage{mbenotes} %% preamble


Donor & Acceptor & $R_{o}$ (\AA)\\
CPM\tabnote{tabnote} & Fluorescein & 47 \\
Proflavin & ETSC\tabnote{tabnote two} & 46 \\
CF\tabnote{} & TR\tabnote{} & 51\\


ٴڿ ֱ

Ʒʿ Ÿ Ϸ footnotemark footnotetext ̿Ѵ.
  \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
    Year & Rate \\\hline
    1999 & 10.8\footnotemark \\\hline
    2000 & 8.8 \\\hline
  \caption{ ٴڿ ָ ̴ }
\footnotetext{ ٴ }

(footnote) float Ʒ Ϸ

ٴ(b) floats ִ floats ˴ϴ. ָ ٴϴ ü Ʒʿ stfloats Ű մϴ. \fnbelowfloats ()ϸ ˴ϴ.
Ǵٸ fnpos Ű \makeFNbelow ̿ص ˴ϴ.


5 ٴ

  1. [twocolumn]
    [twocolumn] ϸ ó óȴ. ׷Ƿ ֵ Ʒ ´. ̾ƿ ̰ ٶ 쵵 ִ.

  2. multicol
    multibol Ű ִ Ʒ ʰ ϴܿ ڵȴ. ׷Ƿ columnwidth textwidth , 1 ǵȴ. ְ ª ġ (width) 찡 ִ.

  3. ftnright Ű
    ftnright Ű ϸ twocolumn 忡 ְ Ʒ Ƽ ġȴ. , ָ ʰ ָ Ʒ ٿִ ̴.

  4. Uploads:ftnrighttest.pdf
    ù ftnright ̰, ι° ftnright twocolumn ̴.


6 Q & A


6.1 ̺ ؽƮ ̱

Q. ̺ ؽƮ Ϻο ָ ̴ ˷ּ.
A. ٴϴ ü Table ȯ ڼ ֽϴ.

6.2 ߰ ȣ

Q. ȣ ֱ : eethesis.cls ϴ ù (ǥ ƴ) ϴܿ ϰ ϴ . KTUGOperate:17359 KTUGOperate:17372
  1. ȣ \thefootnote ϸ ٲ ֽϴ. Ư ( 13) ȣ ְ ְ ȣ ̾ Ϸ ֽϴ.
    \let\ORIGthefootnote\thefootnote %    
    \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{}    %   ƹ͵  
    \footnote{Here, no number is attached} % ָ  
    \let\thefootnote\ORIGthefootnote\addtocounter{footnote}{-1} %    ϰ  ī͸ 1 ҽŴ
  2. eethesis.cls ù° chapter ϰ ֽϴ.
    \chapter{my first chap}
    ⼭ \body ϴܿ IEEE transaction style ִ١ ݴϴ. ͡Դϴ. ֳϸ ٸ Ѵٸ eethesis.cls Ÿ ϰ ִ ̾ƿ, ȣ, ش ο ϵ ٲپ־ ̱ Դϴ. ׷ ұϰ δ IEEE trans 𵨿 ϴܿ ٸ ó ؾ ϴ \body մϴ. ̰ ¥ ̱ ؼ ȵǴ ̶ մϴ.
       \headheight 12pt
       \extraspace 0pt % recover to \headheight = 12pt
       \@footnotetext{\normalsize The journal model is 
         {\sl IEEE transaction journal.}}\setcounter{footnote}{0}}
    DeleteMe (KTUGOperate:17359) eethesis Ŭ Ű ϸ鼭 ߸ ϴ. thesis.tex ϸ \include{ch1} Ǿ ִ ch1.tex ҷ 鼭 ӿ ִ ɾ \body
         This thesis follows the style of IEEE transaction on Automatic Control
    Ÿ մϴ. ̰ ڴ ǥ ϰ "This thesis follows the style of Adult Education quarterly" Ÿ ٲٷ Ͽ ϴ. eethesis TAMU(Texas A&M University) EE(Electrical Engineering) Ŭ Դϴ. Ŭ ɾ \body ʰų Ǹ ٲ㼭 Դϴ. ߰ ȣ ϸ м Ÿ Ұϸ鼭 ߰ м ŸƲ ׸ ø鼭 ϴܿ ;ϴ. 1 亯 ϰ ڽϴ. -Yhchoe

6.3 ȣ ȣڷ

Q. ȣ ɹ ٲٷ  ϳ?
A. from KTUGOperate:2881
˴ϴ. ⼭ num 1 9 ̸
1  ǥ(asterisk)
2  ܵǥ(dagger)
3  ΰ ܵ(double dagger)
4  Ǹũ
5  з׶ ũ
6  ΰ 
7  ΰ ǥ
8  ΰ ūܵǥ
9  װ ܵǥ
Դϴ. ڸ ־ غð . ^^;
ƹ ġ ʰ ȩ "! LaTeX Error: Counter too large." ɴϴ.

6.4 ָ ϴ о߱

Q. ָ α о ߴ ?
A. ָ flushbottom ϴ ũ ֽϴ. footmisc Ű , մϴ.
\footnoterule ϴ Դϴ. \footnoterule ׸ \vfill ŭ ߸ ϴ .
     \nobreak \vfill
     \hrule \@width 2in \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
fnpos Ű \makeFNbottom ̿ϴ ֽϴ.


6.5 ȣ ̻ ޾ ̱

footmisc Ű [multiple] ɼ ָ ̾Դϴ.
....here.\footnote{first footnote}\footnote{second footnote}

6.6 ȣ ̱

Q. ȣ ̰ ͽϴ.

A. LaTeX4Wp Դϴ.
̰\footnote{the first.}%
 \footnote{the second.} ̴.
ָ ٽ о.
̰\footnote{the first.}%
 \footnote{the second.} ̴.
ָ ٽ о.


6.7 ȣ 

Q. LaTeX ִ ִ 鿩Ⱑ ǰ superscript ȣ ٽϴ. ȣ 鼭 ݴ ȣ ̰ ȣ ŭ  Ϸ  ϸ dz?
A. HLaTeX 1.0.1 ķ Ÿ ϴ hangulfn.sty ߰ Ÿ ˴ϴ.(See KTUGBoard:4674)
hangulfn.sty ȳԴϴ.
%%  ȣ 
%% --------------
%% - ÷:  ⺻ ̴.   ȣ ָ鿡 ÷ڷ ¥.
%% - ȣ: ѱ     ִ ̴.   ȣ
%%         ָ ü ũ ¥  ȣ  ݴ
%%         Ұȣ ڵ.  Ұȣ ֹ ̿  
%%           ȣ ֹ ϴµ ȿ̴.
%% ``÷'' ,  ȣ ֹ  0pt̰
%% ``ȣ'' ,  ȣ ֹ    ̴.
%%   ޸ ϰ     \footnumbersep ̸
%% ٽ ش.
%%   \setlength{\footnumbersep}{}
%%  ¥ 
%% ----------------
%% - :  ȣ  ʸ ¥ ֹ ù
%%      ġ ʸ ȴ.
%% - ̾: ְ  ࿡  ʰ  ֿ
%%     ̾. ª ٰ   ϴ.  ٹٲ  
%%     ϸ ׻ ο ְ ۵ǵ ¥.
%% - ܼ̾: ̾  ο ְ  ϵ
%%      ʴ´.   ְ  ̾  ְ Ѵ.
%% - ʸ: 鿩⳪ ⿡   ȣ ǵ 
%%     ʴ´. ָ ü ʸ ¥.
%% - 鿩:  ȣ ִ  ʿ 2谢 鿩 .
%%     ָ  ȣ  ĵȴ.
%% - 鿩ʸ: ʸ  ָ ü 2谢 .
%% - 鿩:   ָ ü 2谢 .
%% - 鿩ȣ: 鿩  ٹٲ  ϴ 
%%       ֹ ù  ġ ʸ  ʰ
%%      ȣ ȣ  ġ ʸȴ.   ȣ
%%      ``ȣ'' ʰ̴.
%% ⺻  
%% --------------
%%     ``÷'' ``'' ʰ̴.

Hangul-ucs Ÿ dhucsfn.sty ֽϴ. ɼ ̸ ٲ մϴ. dhucs [hangul] ɼǰ Բ Դϴ.
÷ -> superscript
ȣ -> parenthesis
 -> hang
̾ -> multipara
ܼ̾ -> para
ʸ -> leftflush
鿩 -> indent
鿩ʸ -> leftflushindent
鿩 -> hangpar
鿩ȣ -> varhangpar

ѱ Ȳ ƴ϶, footmisc Ű [hang] ɼ ϰų,
Ǵ Ʒ \@makefntext ֽϴ.
    \parindent 1em%
    \hangindent 1.8em%
<!> HyperRef Ű ϸ ڵ忡 \hphantom . HyperRef ڵ带 Ϻ ٲٱ ̴. 쿡 \hphantom{1} \hskip .3em ִ.

6.8 ̱

Q. \section ָ ?
A. from KTUGOperate:1882 (ö)
\section[]{\protect\footnote{This is an example.}}
ɼ [] ߰ tableofcontents ְ ٴ ؼԴϴ.


6.9 multicol Ű

Q. multicol Ű ̴ε ִ 1 Ÿϴ. ذ ?
A. װ multicol Ű Ư ˰ ֽϴ. \twocolumn ̳ twocolumn ɼ ۼϽô ڽϴ. 2 εġ ذ ؼ ٴ Ͻʽÿ.



Q. ̸  ϳ?
A. from KTUGOperate:5671 () footer غκа غκа Ÿ \footskip̶ ɾ Preamble ϴ.
\footskip = 10mm
̷ ؿ footer ذ 10mm Ÿϴ. ٸ ϳ \footnoterule ̿ϴ Ѵٸ
̴ Ÿ ǿʿ ۵Ǹ鼭 ̰ 50mm, β 0.3mm̰ ʰֿ 2mm Ÿϴ. 翬 Դϴٸ ̷ ɵ Preamble ϹԴϴ. Ÿ Ϸ \skip\footins ϴ ֽϴ.



Q. ϴ ˷ּ.
A. KTUGOperate:2596 (ȣ) Preamble غʽÿ.
2cm ֿ Ÿ ø ̴ Ͽ ʽÿ.


6.12 ָ singlespace

Q. ణ Double Space, ִ Single Space ϰ ͽϴ.
A. setspace Ű ϸ ֳ ٴϴ°ü ణ Single Space ڵִ ֽϴ.

6.13 ָ paragraph ·

Q. ȣ ٲ ٲ ʰ ϰ ....
A. footmisc Ű [para] ɼ մϴ.
׸ \usepackage[para]{footmisc} \renewcommand\thefootnote{\arabic{footnote})} Դϴ. footmiscparatest.jpg


6.14 verbatim

Q. ȿ \verb Ϸ?
A. mdwtools  ϳ footnote.sty εϸ \footnote ȿ \verb ֽϴ.

6.15 ȣ

pfnote : ں \usepackage{pfnote} ֱ⸸ ϸ ˴ϴ. See CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/yafoot/yafoot-man.pdf

footmisc : ں
ְ ̻ LaTeX ϸ ˴ϴ. See CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/footmisc/footmisc.pdf 2 1.1

6.16  ̾

  • bigfoot Ű ̿ ֽϴ.
  • fnbreak Ű εϸ Ѿ ݴϴ.


ʿ䰡 ְų ٴ ָ ̷ .

7.1 ledmac Ű


7.2 manyfoot, ednotes Ű


7.3 bigfoot Ű


8 ThanksNote

м Ǹ ù ϴܿ Ǹ Ư ּ.

  1. ġ ܸ ϰ ִ ƴϴ.
    • ȣ ʰų symbol ȣ δ.
    • 뿡 Ÿ ʴ´.

  2. ThanksNote ̳ ο ϰų ۼ α׷ Ͽ ϴ δ.

  3. ThanksNote Ҽӱ̳ ó 쵵 ִ.

ThanksNote Ŭ ٸ ȴ.


thanksnote ù , ִ titlepage ´. Ҽ̳ ó 찡 .

article Ŭ

Ҽ ų Ư ֱ. fnsymbol ȣ ٴ´.
\title{The Title of the Article}
\author{FIRST author\thanks{a note to FIRST author}, SECOND author\thanks{a note to SECOND author}}


Ҽ ų Ư ֱ. ȣ ʴ´.
\title{Using the Document Class IEEEtran.cls} %!PN

\author{Gerry Murray, Silvano Balemi\thanks{S. Balemi is with the
Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH), Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: balemi@aut.ee.ethz.ch .}\thanks{Note
that the ``thanks'' command does no longer produce footnote marks.}}

ݸ Ҽ̳ ó \address \affiliation ǵǾ ִ \thanks ַ ۼ ù ϴܿ Ͽ Ѵ. ̷ 밳 ׸ \author ڷ  . Ư amsart, revtex4 ׷ϴ. AMSLaTeX/MakeTitle .


\address{a address of FIRST AUTHOR}
\email{e-mail address}
\thanks{This paper was supported by ....} % ַ   . ݺ 

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