AMSLaTeX (rev. 1.2)

Your mind understands what you have been taught; your heart, what is true.
FrontPage占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占DHHangul/ȭ&value= › AMSLaTeX

1 ȳ
2 AMSLaTeX ѱ
3.1 amsart.cls ũ ġ
3.2 amsart.cls "Make Title"(by Yhchoe)
3.3 amsproc amsart / Layout
3.4 AMS Ÿ ȯ
3.5 AMSLaTeX ȯ
3.6 DeclareMathOperator


1 ȳ

texmf/doc/latex/{amsmath,amscls} AMSLaTeX ȳ ִ. TeX ý texdoc ִٸ, ࿡ Ͽ amsldoc ݵ о Ѵ.
 #> texdoc amsldoc
<!> ȭ鿡 ->(R)... Ŭϸ "" â ϴ. ⿡
texdoc amsldoc
Էϰ Ȯ ߸ ʽÿ. texmf/doc/ ִ dvi, ps, pdf ֽϴ. texmf Ʈ MiKTeX Options Roots ö ̺ ϴ. texmf/doc/ ctan(Remote Package Repository) ű⼭ ã ݴϴ.--Yhchoe


2 AMSLaTeX ѱ


2.1 amsart.cls HLaTeX 浹 (by ChoF)

from KTUGBD:tips

AMSLaTeX amsart.cls HLaTeX ϰ ϴ ణ ߻մϴ. ַ ߻ϴ ϴ.

  1. \maketitle ̸ κп ߻
  2. \thanks

ذϱ ؼ Ʒ ڵ带 \usepackage{hfont} Ǵ \usepackage{hangul} ־ ָ ˴ϴ.
Ʒ ڵ ۵մϴ.

This is a test.

This is a test.

This is a test.


2.2 amsart.cls "Make Title"(by Yhchoe)

moved from LayOut

<!> AMSLaTeX Ŭ \usepackage{hangul} Ǵ \usepackage{hfont} 찡 ƴϴ aux ʾ ϵ ʴ 찡 ִ. ̶ aux ٽ ϸ ȴ. see -> KTUGSetup:2880

amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ (Subtitle) ٸ. article Ŭ
\title{algorithm2e.sty --- package for algorithms\\ {\large release 2.39}}
  % Ctan  algorithm2e.tex Ͽ
¥ ũ⸦ ٲ ´. amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ Ģ ʴ´. ׷ ڴٸ ó --- ְ ũ ¥ ۿ .

밳 м Ȧ Ӹ(Running Head: ) ̸ Ÿ, ¦ Ӹ(Running Head: ) Ÿ ų ڰ (Ӹ  ʱ Ͽ) "ª "(Short Title) Ǵ "ª ̸"(Short Author-Names) 䱸Ѵ. amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ(̱ȸ ƴ϶ Ŭ )
\title[Short Title]{ : ª  ų ų}
  % ª  "[Short Title]"  . [ ]ӿ ѱ, () Էϸ  ޽Ÿ
\author[W.\ Brown]{William Sebastian Brown}
  %ڸ  ĵ ª  [ ]  . [ ]ӿ ѱ, () Էϸ Ÿ 
\author[C.\ Crown]{Crown Sebastian Crown}
\author[D.\ Drown]{Drown Sebastian Drown}
Էϸ ¦ Ӹ() "W. Brown, C. Crown, and D. Drown" Ÿ, Ȧ Ӹ() "Short Title" ȴ. ׷ 蹭 ӿ ѱ, () Էϸ Ӹ() ʴ´. \maketitle  ġ
\maketitle\markboth{¦  Ӹ()}{Ȧ  Ӹ()}
<!> : article Ŭ
\author{William Sebastian Brown\thanks{Thanks1}}
\author{Crown Sebastian Crown\thanks{Thanks2}}
\author{Drown Sebastian Drown\thanks{Thanks3}}
Էϸ ڸ Ǹ Drown Sebastian Drown Ÿ, thanks Thanks3 ַ Ÿ. See-> KTUGOperate:13119, KTUGOperate:13117, KTUGOperate:13140

ʷ(\begin{abstract} \end{abstract}) article Ŭ \maketitle ڿ  amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \maketitle տ .
\thanks 뵵 ٸ. article Ŭ \thanks \title{ } Ǵ \author{ } { } ӿ
\title{algorithm2e.sty --- package for algorithms\\ {\large release 2.39} 
  \thanks{Thanks A}
\author{ (c) 1996--2002 Christophe Fiorio, LIRM Montpellier, France\\ \\
  Report bugs and comments to fiorio@lirmm.fr
  \thanks{The author is very grateful to Pascal Jappy (jappy@lirmm.fr)
    for his great help in the english writing}
  \thanks{Martin Blais (blais@IRO.UMontreal.CA) for his
  \thanks{David A. Bader (dbader@eece.unm.edu) for his new
    option \texttt{noend}}
  \thanks{Gilles Geeraerts (gigeerae@ulb.ac.be)
    for his new command \texttt{SetKwIfElseIf}}
  }%Ctan  algorithm2e.tex Ͽ ణ 
ַ Ҽ, ּ, Ÿ ̰ ϸ ù Ʒʿ ȣ(*, , , , ... ) ٴ · Ÿ amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \author{ } , ϸ ù Ʒʿ ȣ ʴ · ´(Ʒ ׸ ). --> llncs KTUGOperate:10061 --> revtex4 KTUGOperate:11848

׸ : amsart Ǵ amsproc Ŭ \author{ } \date{ }, \subjclass2000{ }, \keywords{ }, \thanks{ }  ( ) Ͽ \date{ }, \subjclass2000{ }, \keywords{ }, \thanks{ } { } ӿ ִ ۵ Ÿ. \thanks{ } ִ.

׷ Ǵ ϴ (, ⱸ ) ޾ ̰ . ٷ տ ȣ
. ڸ, ּҿ email ּҴ author
ԷѴ. ̷ ԷϿ ڸ
    ̻  , , and 
Ÿ. , ̻ ڿ ٷ ̿ ", and" . Ѽȸ AMS-LaTeX Ÿ Ŭ µ ű⼭ ϴ ȸ ", and " Ǿ ־ ҽ ؼ 鿩 Ҵ ġ ڰ ó
 \author{,  and }
 \address{\\ ּ}
 \address{\\ ּ}
 \address{\\ ּ}
ԷϿ. ƴ . ġ ڰ ּҿ ̸ ּҸ ó ԷϿ. Ģ ϴ ƴҰ?

dvi, pdf ,ps Ͽ ּҿ email ּҴ dz Ÿ. WinEdt Ҵٸ
 C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Samples\Paper
ӿ ִ Paper.tex ̴.


2.3 maketitle ֿ ѱ

ù° ذǴ ƴѰ? --Karnes

\thanks{} ѱ ʴ ذǾ ѱ ƹ ̻ ɴϴ. Ȧ Ӹ "잛 " Ǵ " : 잛 ų ų" ̻ ɴϴ. ׷ ¦ Ӹ(,
 \author[ѱ ̸]{Ƹٿ ѱ ̸}
"ѱ ̸") ¦ ʿ ȳɴϴ. \author{Ƹٿ ѱ ̸}θ Ͽ ι° (ù ¦ )ʹ ϰ
 ! Missing } inserted.
 &#8826;inserted text&#8827; 
                       Ͽ ̷ ϱ   19
޽ Ÿϴ. \author{ } { } ӿ θڸ ƹ ̻ ϵ˴ϴ. ׷ { } ӿ ѱ  \author[]{Ƹٿ ѱ ̸} [] ־ ˴ϴ. ׸ ϳ ̻ amsproc Ŭ ѱ ̸ µ amsart Ŭ ̸ ѱ۸ ϴ. ;) --Yhchoe

''ʹʹ KTUGContrib:420 ϳ ִµ...

\title[ŸƲ]{ ŸƲ}
\author[ѱ̸]{Ƹٿ ѱ̸}

\section{ѱ }
This is a test. ׽Ʈ.

This is a test.

This is a test.
ҽ ϵǴ ˴ϴ. ؼ ƹ ָֽ ż... ;) ƹư ٺ ذå Lambda ϴ ̶ մϴٸ... small capital ǥõǾ AND ׳ ҹ and titlepage ´ٴ ̰, ̰ ʿϴٸ մϴ. --Karnes''

Karnes ξ ϰ ϴ. ڰ ׳ ־ ذϸ ϴ. amsart, amsproc ƹ ̻ ϴ. --Yhchoe




3.1 amsart.cls ũ (by ChoF)

from KTUGBD:tips

Ϲ ų Ʈ ۼϰų ũ⸦ ϴ ʾ ϼ ʺ е ɷ մϴ. ڷḦ \textwidth \textheight ϸ ̷ ÷ ָ ߾ ʾƼ Ͻ ?

AMSLaTeX 1.2 amsart.cls ̰ ذ ִ \calclayout ֽϴ. ̿ϸ ߾ Ե˴ϴ. Ʒ ϴ.


ڵ忡 \addtolength{\textwidth}{7pc} \textwidth ũ⸦ 7pc (1pc=12pt. See ̴) ÷ֶ Դϴ. ϼž ũ \paperwidth \paperheight ǰ ũⰡ \textwidth \textheight (heading footnote ) ȴٴ Դϴ. ̷ \textwidth \textheight \calclayout ϸ ڵ ߾ ٸ ݴϴ.

Ư ڵ忡 \textwidth 7pc, ׸ \textheight 4.5pc ÷ָ ( ϴ) , Ʒ, , 1 ġ ˴ϴ.

ٸ Ŭ ϵ ϴ 쿡 amsart.cls \calclayout ϸ ֽϴ. article.cls ϴ Ʒ ϸ ˴ϴ. , article.cls amsart.cls ٸǷ \textwidth \textheight Ͽ ڽ ϴ ũ⸦ ʽÿ.

\newcommand{\calclayout}{\advance\textheight -\headheight
  \advance\textheight -\headsep
  \advance\oddsidemargin -\textwidth
  \ifdim\oddsidemargin<.5truein \oddsidemargin.5truein \fi
  \advance\oddsidemargin -1truein
  \topmargin\paperheight \advance\topmargin -\textheight
  \advance\topmargin -\headheight \advance\topmargin -\headsep
  \ifdim\topmargin<.5truein \topmargin.5truein \fi
  \advance\topmargin -1truein\relax



3.2 amsart (: Template)

AMSLaTeX Ŭ amsart, amsproc, amsbook ܿ ִ. ׷ ǥ̴.


׸ : LaTeX (Template) ִ. WinEdt Ҵٸ WinEdt â ׸ â . WinEdt â ̸ ְ ޴(Menu Bar)̴. (Tool Bar: ) Ѵ. (Tool Bar) ° (New Document... (Shift+Ctrl+N)) New Document ȭڰ Ÿ. ⼭ LaTeX: AMS Article Ŭϸ ׸ TeX (: Template) WinEdt â .

amsart Ŭ ƴ AMSLaTeX Ŭ Ŭ(: ksmeart, ksmeproc ) \documentclass{amsart} amsart ϴ Ŭ ٲٸ ȴ.
: kmsart, cmsart Ŭ HLaTeX 浹 ϴ.--Yhchoe

<!> Ͼ amsbook () KTUGOperate:3384 ִ.


3.3 amsproc amsart / Layout

amsproc amsart \chapter{} . \part{} ְ ̰ \chapter{} ó ִ.
 \def\partname{}%ȣ տ ƹ͵  ʰ  
־ Ѵ. ̰ Part ´. \chapter ɾ ǵ AMSLaTeX Ŭ amsbook Ŭ ִ. ׷ amsbook Ŭ Title иȴ. amsproc amsart\chapter \chapter ɾ Preamble Ͽ ų ٸ 뵵 ǵǾ ִ\part{} \chapter{}ó ļ ִ.
<!> : м ϴ TeX ̷ ġ ʴ . ִ ״
ټ ܰ踦 . 뵵( Ǵ ٸ ) ġڴٸ ġ Preamble
 \def\partname{}%ȣ տ ƹ͵  ʰ  
־ Ѵ. ̰ Part ´. section ȣ ( part) ٲ Ϸ
ְ, section ȣ 忡 1.1. 1.2. Ϸ
 \renewcommand\thesection    {\thepart.\arabic{section}}

Q: (From KTUGOperate:13987) amsart Ŭ subsection ٿ Ǿ µ ̰ ϰŵ.  ؾ ϴ ?

A: \subsection{...} Է \ Էϰ () ˴ϴ.
\subsection{Introduction}\ %  Backslash \ ſ ߿

In~\cite{Sim96a} we define the \emph{Lomonosov space} and give a
constructive proof of the approximation theorem inspired by the well
known result of V.~I.~Lo\-mo\-no\-sov \cite{Lom73}.
ԷϿ .


3.4 AMS Ÿ ȯ

Theorem, Lemma, Defintion, Example, Note, Remark, Acknowledgment, $\cdots$ ǥ ոӸ(Header) δ (Proclamation)̶ Ѵ. Ÿ(⺻ LaTeX Ÿ) Mittelbach [An extenssion of the LaTeX theorem environment, 2004, p.3](MiKTeX Ҵٸ C:\texmf\doc\latex\tools\theorem.dvi) theorem style ̶Ͽ
plain, break, marginbreak, changebreak, change, margin
зϿ. AmS-LaTeX plain ȯ游 äϰ, definition ȯ remark ȯ ÷Ͽ "(Theorem-like) Ÿ"(AmS-LaTeX Ÿ)̶ ϰ
plain, defintion, remark
. Mittelbach з ոӸ(Header) ġ ̰, AmS-LaTeX з ۲(ոӸ ۲ð ü ۲) ̴. AmS-LaTeX ȯ Mittelbach з Ѵٸ plain Ѵ.

"AMS Ÿ ȯ " KTUGOperate:2608 Uploads:amsthm.pdfϷ ÷Ͽ.

<!> 1: (KTUGContrib:2845) AMS (Theorem-like) Ÿ Ÿְ ϴ amsthm.sty IEEE Ŭ IEEEtran.cls proof ȯ濡 浹 ŵϴ. ذ ֽϴ. http://wireless.stanford.edu/~dporrat/work/TexSample/app_notes.txt ߶ ε IEEEtran.cls ǵ ɾ \proof \endproof \IEEEproof \IEEEendproof ɾ ٲ \proof \endproof ǵ ʴ . ׸
ٽ ϴ. ü ϴ.
% save and then undefine the offending command
% we need \makeatletter because \@undefined uses the special @ character.

% now load the package, it will be unaware that \proof ever existed

% if you want to use the IEEEtran.cls \proof, just redefine from
% what you saved earlier:
<!> 2: ߰ϴ ִ (Theorem-like) Ÿ AmS-LaTeX Ÿ з . ׷ٰ Ͽ Ÿ ٴ ƴϴ. Ѽȸ, ȸ, ûȸ, ȣȸ  defintion Ÿϰ remark Ÿ ʴ´. ׷ Է AmS-LaTeX ȯ ״ ȴ. ->see KTUGOperate:8041

 \newtheorem{defn}{Defintion}[section]%[section] ָ  ü ȣ 
 \newtheorem*{nota}{Notation A}%ǥ ü Notation A Ǹ  ȣ  
 \newtheorem{example}{Example}[section]%[section] ָ  ü ȣ 
 \newtheorem*{rmkA}{Remark A}%ǥ Ÿü Remark A Ǹ  ȣ  
ϴ ̴ ǥ(Example 1.1. ) ü ̳ Ÿü ̳ ̴. Text θü ´. AMS-LaTeX ǥ Ÿ ǥ(Theorem 1.2. ) ü ϰ Text Ÿü ϴ ε ̰ default Ǿ ִ.
\theoremstyle{theorem}%   ʾƵ .  ٸ theoremstyle տ   
 \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section]%[section] ָ  ü ȣ 
 \newtheorem*{thmA}{Theorem A}%ǥ ü Theorem A Ǹ  ȣ  
ǥ ü ǰ Text Ÿü ȴ.

<!> : ȯ濡 ȣ ̴ ý ⸦ ϸ װ ɼ ָ ȴ. ȯ ߿ example ȯ defn ȯ thm ȯ ý
  \newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Defintion}%[thm]   ȣ ý 
  \newtheorem{example}[thm]{Example}%[thm]   ȣ ý 
ָ ȴ.

̵ ο ȯ ϸ ߿




<!> : AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴϷ "AMS Ÿ" ȯ ؼ ں \usepackage{amsthm} ȴ. ׷ Ŭ(: llncs) 󼭴 浹 Ű ͵ ִ. -->see KTUGOperate:10057


3.5 AMSLaTeX ȯ

Ʈ ǿ ޴ dvi, ps, pdf · ִ. Ư testmath پ ش. Ʈ ִ short-math-guide MiKTeX-KTUG Ű (C:\texmf\doc\latex\amsmath) dvi · ִ. ȭ ->(R) ŬϿ Ÿ ȭڿ texdoc testmath Էϰ "Ȯ" ߸ testmath.dvi . ҽ C:\texmf\source\latex\amsmath ִ.

AMSLaTeX AMS-TeX ȯ LaTeX2e ° ļ (׳)LaTeX ִ display ȯ ܿ ȯ(display ) ִ. ̷ ˰ ϰ ִ. ǥ Commutative Diagram ׸ CD ȯ(KTUGOperate:5345) ϳ ʹ  ٿ split ȯ(KTUGContrib:837) ̴. WinEdt LaTeX AMSLaTeX ȯ (: Template) ϰ ̵ (GUI)μ ҷ ξ.

<!> : Frank Mittelbach Michel Goossens : The LaTeXCompanion 8(Higher Mathematics, 215~257) AMSLaTeX ǿ õ κε The LaTeXCompanion 2 CTAN ( ȣ 223~268 ٲ) Ϸ ö ־. 2 ǵǸ鼭 Ǿ ǿ . Ȥ ʿ 찡 ũ ɾд. 2ǿ ʹȣ ٲ 8(Higher Mathematics) 464~537 Ǿ. ׸ ȣ(Symbols) ǿ 8.2̾µ 2ǿ 8.9 Ǿ.



3.6 \DeclareMathOperator

Q1(from KTUGOperate:10906): Tex ٺ..
ɾ ִµ,  ñմϴ.. ..
ϰ 񽺹 غ̴µ.. Ȯ  ˼ ?..

A: (Math mode) ӿ Լ (Operator) ȹٷ ϰ յڿ ־ Ͽ մϴ([http]symbols-a4.pdf 7.3 Math-mode spacing (64-65) ). "Լ ǥ" ɾ ̹ Ǿ Ȥ ؾ ʿ䰡 ֽϴ. \newcommand Ἥ Ϸ Լ ǥ յ ϴ մϴ. \DeclareMathOperator ݰ ۲ Ǿ ִ "Լ ǥ" ɾ ֽϴ. ӿ ѱ۷ Ϸ
ϰ 忡 ʿ \const Էϸ ˴ϴ(KTUGOperate:1438). display 忡 ÷ڿ Ʒ÷ڸ Operator ٷ , Ʒʿ (ȣ \sum ) ٰ ϴ " ǥ" "Variable-size Math Opreator" մϴ. ̹ ȣ "Variable-size Math Opreator" ǵǾ ˾Ƶθ մϴ([http]symbols-a4.pdf 12-14 ). + "Variable-size Math Opreator" Preamble
մϴ. Ʒ (1) ÷ ξϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGOperate:5883 ˷ֽ ũ

ϸ ణ ο ֽϴ. WinEdt Ҵٸ ޴(Menu Bar) ִ Document Ŭϸ ޴ ϴ. Ʒ ʿ ִ Current Work (Samples) Ŀ ޴ ϴ. ޴ǿ ֽϴ. ⼭ AMS Paper Ŭϸ WinEdt â Paper.tex ϴ. \DeclareMathOperator \newcommand ֽϴ. AMSLaTeX ƴ \DeclareMathOperator Ǵ \DeclareMathOperator* Preamble `\usepacakage{amsmath}' ˴ϴ.--Yhchoe

1 (From KTUGOperate:11016)

\DeclareMathOperator{\dalmeum}{\text{\lower.2ex\hbox{\large }
\DeclareMathOperator*{\haneul}{\text{\LARGE }}%
\DeclareMathOperator*{\ddang}{\text{\LARGE }}%

 \triangle ABC \dalmeum \triangle DEF
\centering{\Large \dcbracket{}}
 \haneul_{\text{õ}}^{\text{ϴ}} \quad

I know how to write like this.
 5    16    2
 -- X -- = --
 8    15    3
 But I want to describe the process of dividing out common factors from the 
 numerators and denominators.
 For example, there should be '1' above 5 and '3' below 15, and so on.
 How do I cross out the letters and write a little numbers above or below the 
 numerators and denominators.. 

A: \newcommand \DeclareMathOperatorOperator Ͽ 忡 ι ɾ \mathop ʿ մϴ.



$$ {\mathop{\cancel{5}}^{1}}\quad ... \quad {\mathop{\cancel{15}}_{3}} $$


Template õ (article) AMSLaTeX Ȱ ̶⺸ WinEdt Ȱ ƴ? AMSLaTeX ȯ WinEdt Template Ұϴ ͺٴ AMSLaTeX д մϴ. ׸... amsart / ̾ƿ ؼ ... article chapter ƴѰ? chapter amsbook Ұϴ amsart \part ϴ ͺ մϴ. \part \chapterʹ ٸ ϴ ̹Ƿ, amsart \chapter \part ƴ϶ \chapter ڰ ϴ Ͱ, ̰ ǥ ʿϰų ʴ ƴ? \part preamble ع ٸ ĥ ŷο Ͼ Ŷ ϴ. ;) cf. Preamble --Karnes

Karnes Բ Ͽ ּ̽ϴ. part chapter ٲپ Ͽϴ. м chapter ⸦ ϰ section 찡 Դϴ. KTUGOperate:6800 ö 亯 ͼ ׷ Ǿϴ. amsbook \maketitle ɿ Title amsart amsproc Title ʷϰ ̾ amsbook ʾҽϴ. δ ϰڽϴ. AMSLaTeX KTUGOperate:2002 ϿǷ ⼭ ũ ΰڽϴ. --Yhchoe

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