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Jun 29, 2008
textwrangler and skim viewer
Submitted by Karnes @ 06-29 [04:26 am]

TeX Textwrangler Ϸ , ޸صд. (Leopard/Intel ).

  1. tex plugin ġ.
  2. textools ٿε ϳ µ, (Readme ִ ) ~/Library/Application Support/Textwrangler/Plug-Ins/ Ʒ Űܳ´. ڸ̳ Ϲ ̺귯 TeX.bbxt Universal plug-in ȿ ִ üϴ ʴ´. ( Legacy ص ϱ ϴ... Legacy plugin Ϸ TeX.bbxt ص .)
  3. bbedit_TeX.script  Ѵ.
    1. 3 ٿ "/usr/texbin" PATH ߰Ѵ.
    2. 31 TeXniscope Ǵ Adobe Reader Ǿ ִ pdfviewer ּóϰ ߰Ѵ.
      set pdfviewer = "Skim.app"
    3. TeXniscope Ǿ ִ pdf sync õ 284(3)--285(4) ּóϰ ִ´.
               /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline  "$pdffile" ""
  4. Skimκ Inverse search Skim Preferences -> Pdf Sync TextWrangler ã ִ.
  5. Skim to TW (Shift-Cmd-Click), TW to Skim (Menu->Tools->pdf sync)
» ޱ | Ʈ

texmaker (Mac OS) skim viewer
Submitted by Karnes @ 06-29 [03:27 am]
Mac OS X texmaker ۿ ۾ȯ̴. ǻ д.

  1. forward search
    pdf viewer Ѵ.
    /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline @ "%.pdf" "%.tex"
  2. inverse search
    skim pdfsync
     Preset : Custom
     Command : /Applications/texmaker.app/Contents/MacOS/texmaker
     Arguments : "%file" -line %line
    ̷ ϸ DZ ϴµ... texmaker ϰ ֵ inverse search instance . ô. ׷ ̵ ѹ ֱ 𸥴. inverse search Ǵ texmaker ִ

  3. texmakersetting.jpg

skim pdf viewer ϰ pdfsync ʿ䰡 ũٸ, textwrangler ϴ ϴ. (׷... pdfsync ü TeXShop ְ...)
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jun 26, 2008
׸ ؽƮ ÷ο
Submitted by Karnes @ 06-26 [02:06 am]
׸ϱ/TextFlow ҰǾ ִ faq wrapfig, floatflt, picins ޵ǰ ִµ... ص ݾ Ҹ ִ. ̹ ٸ Ϸ ۼϰ Ÿ Ͽ ؽƮ ÷ο õ κи ߷.
@ksparpic.zip (187.02 KB)

ȣ Բ ̷ 䱸ϼ̴ . ƹư ڵ 뼺 Ȯ ƴϸ, ʿ丸 ϴ ׽Ʈ ڵ忡 Ұϴ. 뷫 ϰ ִ ̴.
  1. ׸ ù ٿ 츸 ȴ. n Ʒʿ ׸ İ鵵 ϴ δ Ȯغ ̴.
  2. enumerate Ʈ ȯ ȿ ʴ´. ãƺ .
  3. ׸ /쿡 ġϴ 츸 Ǿ ִ. Ѱ ׸ İ Ǿ ʴ.
  4. pdftex Ǵ Ǿ ִ. ( ֽ dvipdfmx Ǵµ, ̰ ȯ ֽ dvipdfmx ġǾ Ȳ̾.)
  5. high level ũθ ڵ̹Ƿ ִ ̴. ׷ ̰ low level ٽ ڵ .
  6. Ѿ 쿡 å . ڵ忡 κе ־µ... Ҿϱ⵵ ϰ  ϴ ߴ. غ, ׸ ٴ Ʒ ׸ ߶ ѱ ۵Ǵ ۼϰ ׸ ִ ϴ.
  7. ׸ ܿ ġ Ǿ ִ. ܿ ĥ ʿ䰡 ִٸ \par ƴ϶ \ ־ ̴.
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jun 17, 2008
Ǵٽ, ...
Submitted by Karnes @ 06-17 [08:52 am]
۾ ߿ « ޸.

EmEditor Free ν, KC2008 ⺻ ͷ ä Ǿ. , ׷ ? ɻ η , ׷ /Share α׷ ͵ UltraEdit, EmEditor, WinEdt  ͼ ִ ڵ 䱸 ϴ ׷ Free/OpenSource Ͱ Ƿ....

ϴ ⺻ .
  1. FreeSoftwarḛų OpenSource. ּ ο .
  2. ڵ/ٱ ó .
  3. TeX ۾ ʿ ⺻ ȭ
    • ڷ ϰ line ȣ ־ .
    • Syntax highlighting
    • comment/uncomment
    • template
    • TeX Է (̰ ...  )
    • ۾ Ͽ Ͽ ܺ α׷ ־
      -> NotePad ȿ...

׷ ...
  1. EmacsW32 Ǵ NTEmacs +AUCTeX ʹ Ǹ TeX ȯ ָ, ֱ Emacs ѱ Է ذǾǷ ѹ غ ϳ... ͼ ð ɸ Emacs ⲯ "⺻ " Ѵٴ Emacs ǰ ƴ ؼ...
  2. ɸ JEdit ... Java ȯ濡 ѱ ۲ ڰ... ...
  3. gvim/Cream ѱ Է on-the-spot Է ȴٴ . ° Է±⸦ ذ, Է±⸦ ٲپ Ѵٴ δ... ׸ Windows Ͷ ٴ .
  4. TeXmaker . 2% ϴٰ װ ַ ɿ ͼ ֱ ̰ ̳ ϸ Ǹϴٰ . ׷ ̶...
  5. ֱ ǵ DesyEdit̶ ʹ TeX ȯ Ǿ Ƿ ̰ äϴ ۾, Syntax highlighting ٽ .
  6. ϳ Notepad++. Scintilla ϰ ־ û Ȯ强 ִ ϱ ѵ, Notepad++ ü ڰ Ը ° ϴ ణ ִ . ׷ ·ε F5, F6 ̿ؼ ϴ ۾ ְ TeXmaker Է LaTeX ϶õ ׷ ǰ ִ ȣ .

Ȥ ô ǥ ֽʽÿ. (ǥ α ʿմϴ. UserPreferences)

gvim/cream 1 (16.67 %)
DesyEdit ļ 0 (0.00 %)
2% TeXmaker ä 4 (66.67 %)
׷ ƿ Emacs... 0 (0.00 %)
Notepad++ 1 (16.67 %)
Total votes6

KDE4 windows ư ̼ , 뿡 kile windows 밡 ? ʹ ְ , ʺڶ ְ(?) ͸ ٰص ϴٸ. -- hermian 2008-06-17 11:37:20

, װ ׷. ͸ Դϴ. ׷ ۿ KC2008 õ Դϴ. , default editor (IDE )  Ͽ ̳ ϴ . ͸ õ(?)ϴİ ƴ϶ KC2008 "Բ ġ ⺻ " ̳İ Դϴ. emacs ƹ ܰ Ǵ ... ;; -- 2008-06-17 11:45:48

ǥΰ? ;) (غ ʾ) TeXmaker ڴ ǥ߽ϴ. Emacsپ а. -- Progress 2008-06-17 15:06:41

TeXmaker ó ýϴ. ϴ ӵ ϴ. ̷ !!! ѱ Է½ ڸ Է Ⱥδٴ ġ texα׷ θ ִ ϴ. α׸ Բ ִٴ ŷ̱. linux, windows, macos x 밡ϴٴ ־ TeXmaker ǥ߽ϴ. -- edmondwells

ֱٿ mac texshop ֽϴ. winedt emeditor ͼ Ǹ ϴٴ Դϴ. Ȥ ϴٸ KTUG editor ϳ ؼ supportϴ ? (tex noviceμ editor ٲ ־Դϴ. ׷ е winedt ϴ ̰. 40 Ĺ е κ winedt 𸨴ϴ.) ...
  1. editorϳ ߿ Ͽ Ͽ free ǵ ϴ .
  2. kcmenu ϸ鼭 tex ƯȭǾ ִ editor ϳ ϴ .
  3. Ȥ Emacs Ϳ kcmenu ư ִ?( winedt ϸ մϴ.) ʿ ư ϴ. ̰ ϴٸ ϴ. -- gromov 2008-06-26 11:01:51
» ޱ | Ʈ

Jun 12, 2008
pgf fancybox, titledframe
Submitted by Karnes @ 06-12 [01:50 pm]
ֿ, fancybox ʹ ϰ (?) ... fancybox ߴ. fancybox Ἥ tikz ڵ ٽ .
dvipdfmx ڽ ġ ߸ Ű ̴. dvipdfmx ֽ (KC2007 pgf/tikz ϴ Ȯ ִ.

@framedtitletest.tex (5.09 KB)
» ޱ | Ʈ

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