You have an ability to sense and know higher truth.
FrontPageMadToad&value=bbϾ占싼깍옙占쏙옙占쏙옙챰肪占쏙옙占LaTeX-Mk&value=LaTeX/ › TeX4ht/ȭ
TeX4ht ѱ ؼ ̷ а ȭԴϴ.

1 memoir.cls tex4ht ȯϱ
2 DHUcs ȯϱ
2.1 testdhucs-html
3 hangul-k ȯϱ
3.1 hangul-k-manual-html
4TeX4ht ѱȭ õ
4.1 \NoFonts, \EndNoFonts
4.2 hangul.4ht
4.2.1 2004/10/02
4.3 \Configure{crosslinks} \Pictureȯ ̿ Page crosslink
5 : tex4ht ȯϱ
5.1 2004 12 24ϼ
6 : LaTeX4Wp TeX4ht ȯϱ(by 躴synapse)
6.1 2004 12 8
6.2 tex4ht ɾ option
6.3 tex4ht cfgȭ ǹ
6.4 tex4ht font?
6.5 tex4ht unicode(UTF-8)
6.6 tex4ht ο htf
6.7 latex.4htȭ
6.8 html4.4htȭ
6.9 latex4wp source tex file ذ͵
6.10 Newcommand tex4ht ؽŰ
6.11 tex4ht ظϴ enviromentϱ
6.12 XML
6.13 tex4ht indexing
7 mouseover option
9 wmj04..wmj07 htf TEXMF TREE

1 memoir.cls tex4ht ȯϱ

  • 켱 memoir.cls \pgana section ̾߱ Դϴ.toc ؼ memoir.cls ο ȭ Ű Դϴ. ׷ xref 4tc error message ϴ. xref 4tc ε. ̰ memoir.cls ذ ؾ ? ƴϸ tex4ht ذ ؾ ұ? ׷, ϴٺ ε section մϴ. ϱδ ϰ ֽϴ.
  • perl script xref 4tc ش.
  • memoir.cls  toc ġ ؼ ˾ƺ, Ϲ book.cls ٲ۴
  • tex4ht ٲ۴.
    tex4ht htlatex ù° option sections- ְ Ŀ ο section definitionĿ ϴ. ʹ , ׷ \thesection ϴµ ٲܼ ִ ־ ̷ øϴ. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/testmemoir/test3my2.html
Ȥ ⿡ ؼ  ִº Ű?

2.1 testdhucs-html

(2005-01-27) synapse ¿ ϴ dhucs TeX4ht HTML ȯغҴ. ټ ڿ شϴ .htf ʾұ ǥõ ʴ´. ׷ ѱ ǥõǰ , .css ٲٸ ϴ ȿ ϴ. ( ȣ ø̴ ׽Ʈ Ͽ texmf-dhucs Ͽ )
մϴ. Ͻʴϴ. --synapse
켱 ɴϴ... :( ׸, ŸƲ( ) ڵ ڰ  ʾҽϴ. toc ϱ ؼ \unihangulchar ɵ ٽ UTF-8 ȯִ perl ũƮ htlatex Ƚϴ. ذؾ Ҵٰ մϴ. ٸ ѱ ǥõǴ ͸ ׽Ʈ ̾ϴ. --Karnes
ð  μ dhucs ó غҽϴ. toc ̴! ׹ۿ ֱ . 켱 ̾ƹ perl script ÷ ֽø ȵɱ? ׸ ƹ script ٲ htlatex ƴ϶, ƿ dhucshtlatex ϸ  ϰ ֽϴ.մϴ. --synapse
ũƮ ͵ ϴ. htlatex ٽ ϱ .aux, .4tc, .xref ؼ ִ Դϴ.
s/\\unihangulchar\s*\{(\d+)\}/chr $1/ge;
մϴ. system 쿡 " unicode ʾƽϴ." ucs package error message ߴ. ׷ ׳ h cjkhangul option ϶ ucs package errorϴ. ׷ ܼ tex source(testdhucs.tex) \usepackage{dhucs}պκп \usepackagecjkhangul{ucs} ־ ְ Ŀ compileߴ, 1.380 }\\30mm There's no line here to end error message ϰ ٸ error message ʽϴ. ó error message Ȥó toc ִ ؼ ̾ƹ script Ź帰̿µ, װ ʴ html ϼǴ. Ư hangul-k.4ht ٲ ʰ ̸ ٲپ dhucs.4ht ϰ Ŀ ص ٸ ̻ ϴ.(׷ source class report!.׷ 1ð ظ̽ϴ. Ǹ 翬 ʾƼ? ϴ 캸 report̴) ϴ utf8 htmlȭ Ȱ ϴٸ, ƹ system error ñ ҽϴ. Ȥ ֽ version tex4ht ƴ 𸣰ڴٴ . tex4ht bugfix ø ֽ version tex4ht ֽϴ. 2005 1 25 ̴ ־ .̰͵ ƴϸ ũ ߸ϰ ִ. ׷ ó mouseover ƾ ϴ. ε ʽϴ. ϱ? ū ƴѵ , Ƹ Linux system ѵ! ȳ ֹ. ƴϴ. --synapse
ģ迡 عȽϴ. js_mod_kr.pl̶ perl script ٴ ۵ϴ. mouseover option ۵ϴ. ׷ ⿡ ø ϴ. ִ webhosting Ⱓ η .... ׷, mouseover ۵ϴ ҽϴ. memhangul-ucs ؼ ѹ غ Դϴ. ̾ƹ 帳ϴ. site ϼ http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/dhucs/testdhucs.html --synapse


3.1 hangul-k-manual-html

(2004-11-09T05:28:56) TeX4ht ̿Ͽ hangul-k-manual ȯ.

  • ѱ Ǵ° Ȯϴ ͸ . css õõ :)
  • ҽ Ͽ ۾Ͽ.

(2004-11-10T02:00:51) ִ .
  • example ȯ ȿ  κ ڵ ó ʾ.
  • ԤǤ, Ԥˤ hlatexcjk EUC-KR ڴ ó ʾ.
    --  dz? Ƹ htfȭ , hlatexcjk package tex4t ν ֳİ ƴұ? Ƹ tex4ht cjk ϹǷ ״ ʴµ. غ...
    hlatexcjk \UNI Ʒ ٿ Ʈ ̿ϸ 밭 ˴ϴ. \urchr \UNI ٲپ ϸ ױ. 밭 캻 ٿ ϸ TeX4ht CJK Ű ϴ ƴ ϴ. Ư CJKLaTeX utf8 ȯ濡 å ̱ ... ƹ hlatexcjk ڵ带 ؽŰ ƴ϶, ׷ ʿ䵵 մϴ. --Karnes
  • index ʾ. (HTML index ʿ ?)
    -- index Ȯ . ٸ ߵǴ. ˼..... ð .
  • TeX ҽ labelenumi ٲپ HTML ⺻ item ׳ .
    -- ̰ tex source ľ մϴ. labelenumi Ͻø ʽϴ.
  • ׹ۿ....

  • ǥȣ ̻ϰ Ű... :(

  • ̶ ̰ ϴ. ٽ Ұ ϴ. ̾ƹ ֽ ȭ Ҵ hangul-k.sty ״ 鼭 makehtml.sty hangul-k.sty tex4ht 浹ϴ ذ ϴٸ,... ׷ 𿡼 makehtml.sty θ ִ?  ã Ƶ !.
  • hangul-k.sty hangul-tex4ht.sty(˼մϴ. hangul-k.styε ƴϰ ׳ ڰ ̷ ٲپϴ. ƹ ε, ̸ ٲپ..) Ʋ ׷ , ̹ hangul-k-manual.html Ϻ ڰ ɴϴ. ̹ ȸ makehtml.sty Ȯؼ ƿ releaseϸ  ϴµ? ̶ ġ ; ĥ ϴ. ׳ 밡ٴ մϴ. ð µ 밡ٴ Դϴٸ, ѹ ֽø ȵɱ? --synapse makehtml.sty (hangul-k-manual-html.sty) usepackageϰ Դϴ. hangul-k Ŀ ÷ մϴ. ... ͱ ְڽϱ. ̸ ٲٽ ٸ Ÿ ̴ϱ . Ϻ ڿ ؼ... 캸 ߽ϴٸ, ũ ƴ մϴ. ƹư Ͻô mouseover Ǿ ޴ϴ. :) --Karnes

  • ڲ ˼մϴ. ̹ index toplogo.html ־ҽϴ. ׸ ֱ ߼ utf8 output Ͽϴ.׷. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/hangul-k-manual/hangul-k-manual.html index ø ̰ ʽϴ. ׳ ׷ . tex4ht ѵ. makeindex-dhucs Ǿ ִ ؼ?( ׷ !). ãƺ ʿ Ϸķ ξ پ ã ְ Դϴ. ׷! utf8 output ϸ index Ʒ緱  ִµ, mouseover js.tex utf8 Ǿ 켱 euckr ٽ ѹ utf8 ؾ Ǵ (????) ϰ ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. --synapse غ ؼ 帮 ƽϴٸ, Ƹ .4ht ϸ ͽϴ. ׸, mouseover 쿡 utf8 ۵ ʴ´ٸ, ذåδ ¿ euc-kr ̰ htex ̿Ͽ ȯϴ ۿ մϴ. htex شϴ utf-8 plain tex ʴ´ٸ... --Karnes ϼ html ϴ. Ÿ ߿ ѹ 캼 Դϴ. մϴ.׸ Բ 庸Ҵ, euckr utf8 ȯ־ Ѵٰ ϴµ. euckr utf8 ȯϴ ѵ. ׸ 赵Բ ֽ perl script ִµ ϴµ. ü ľ ϴ Դϱ? .ڲ ä ˼մϴ. --synapse


4 TeX4ht ѱȭ õ


4.1 \NoFonts, \EndNoFonts

KTUGOperate:6491 (by 躴)

tex4ht ѱ 뿡 ⿡ ִ ChoF԰ ̾ƹ а ϴ ѱȭ ϴµ ߽ϴ. ⿡  ִ. ẻ δ fancybox ̿Ͽ shadowbox ׸ ȿ ѱ ߴµ, ѱ subfont ٹٲ Ǿ. html source ʹ span ؼ sourceũⰡ Ŀ .  ϴ ? ϴ ߿ tex4ht homepage 湮ߴ, \NoFonts, \EndNoFonts ɾ ִ. Ƹ ̰ htmlȭ 鶧 font name ʴ°̱ ϰ ѱ  κп ̰ ־, . html source Ҵ ű⵵ subfont name ִ.


4.2 hangul.4ht

KTUGOperate:6548 (by 躴)

\NoFonts, \EndNoFonts ɾ ؼ ÷ȴ Դϴ. Ŀ tex4ht homepage ̰ ƴٳ 鼭, ̰ Ҵ, Ǹɾ ϸ, chapter name section nameӾƴ϶, ۲̸ ĥ ִٴ ϴ. ׷ hangul.4htȭ ƽϴ.


4.2.1 2004/10/02

- 켱 ִ 4htԴϴ. - ϴ hangul-tex4ht.4ht ؼ hangul-tex4ht.sty ʿմϴ. Uploads:hangul-tex4ht.sty


4.3 \Configure{crosslinks} \Pictureȯ ̿ Page crosslink

TeX friendly Zone crosslink ϴ. ڰ ִ image ô̳ ־ ֽϴ. ̰ TeX html ϸ  ҽϴ. ̷ tex4ht ſ Ǵ. \ Configure{crosslinks} \Picture ΰ ȯ游 ׳ ¥߸ Ǵ. ѹ , TUG Ҵ, down Ǿ image ׿. TUG homepage Ǵµ ѹ . ׷ δ image ٵ,  ؾ ? http://www.obgy.ne.kr/logo/chapter.html ü ̻. ̷ Ǵ ˼ , ð ׳ ̷ øϴ. ΰ ȯ ̿ crosslinkԴϴ. Tex ȭԴϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/logo/chapter.tex


5 : tex4ht ȯϱ


5.1 2004 12 24ϼ

  • 켱 ÷ private.cfg(tex4ht-utf8.cfg css κ ʹ ؼ, cssκ ؼ ٲ㳪 ϰ ֽϴ. cssȭ ۾ ũ ΰ ʿ մϴ. book class 쿡 frame 3  ۾ ϰ, ⿡ article frames 2θ  ۾ ϸ մϴ. http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/ptQA/ptQA.html Դϴ. Ϳٰ google search ޷ ϰ ֽϴ. ̾ƹ ó web search ʿ䰡 ϴ. ޶ ϴ.
  • * tex4ht-utf8.cfg
          {\VerFrames[frameborder="0" border="1"
                framespacing="0" rows="*"]{*,7*}
             \Frame[ name="tex4ht-main" ]{tex4ht-body}}
             {\let\contentsname=\empty \tableofcontents}
     @font-face { font-family:TTche; src:url(TTche.eot); }
     body { font-family: TTche,batang; background-color: yellow; background-image: url(pink_fabric.gif); font-size:  9pt; line-height: 200%; margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%;}
  • * ptQAlogo.html http://synapse.linuxtop.co.kr/ptQA/ptQAlogoutf.html ֽϴ. article frame 3 ʿ䰡  ׳ 2 Ŀ ܿ ξϴ.
  • * htlatex
         htlatex ptQA "tex4ht-utf8.cfg,html,3,frames,info" "unicode/uhc/!"


6 : LaTeX4Wp TeX4ht ȯϱ(by 躴synapse)


6.1 2004 12 8


6.2 tex4ht ɾ option

  • tex4ht 3 option ϴ. ó tex4ht.sty .4ht style file ̰, ι° tex4ht postprocessor ̸, ° t4ht Դϴ.( 𸨴ϴ) http://www.tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn3.html
  • latex4wp ϴ comand line optionδ htlatex filename "start,xhtml,frames,3,info"Դϴ. 3 option set߿ ù° option set ߽ϴ. start.cfg ׻ ù option set߿ ó; մϴ. start.cfgٰ CSS Ͽϴ. ι° xhtml xhtml ̰, frames̶ frames ̿Ͽ ۼ϶ Դϴ. 3̶ ڴ are simplly shortcuts for a single \tableofcontents and a few \CutAt and \TocAt* command̰, info ϴ° filename.log Դϴ. ⼭ ٸ ͵ Ŀ ̾߱ ϰ, filename.log ֽϴ. frames̳ \Configure{texttt} ⿡ Խϴ.


6.3 tex4ht cfgȭ ǹ

  • tex4ht private cfg ǹ̴ ϱ? ± κ ۾ hangul.4ht ؼ ߽ϴ. hangul.4ht ȭ̶ hangul.sty ϴ Դϴ. ٽ ؼ 츮 ִ hfont(HNFSS ϰ ִ <´ 𸣰ڽϴ>) hangul.sty θǷ 翬 hangul.4ht ҷ ˴ϴ. ׷ 翬 ⿡ hangul.sty ͵  մϴ. Ƿ ִ frame̳ tiny ۲ ٽ ͵ 翬 private.cfg մϴ. ׷ ̸ private.cfg Īϱ ٴ han.cfg Īϱ⵵ ϰ. ƹ ٺ ̶󼭿. ׷ ۼϰ ִ tex ȭϰ ̸ ϱ մϴ.
  • private.cfg ȭ  Ǿ ִ°? ϼ.http://tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn3.html#QQ1-3-11
  • ۿ 츮 hangul.4ht ߴ ͵ κ \Preamble \begin{document}̿ ½ϴ. ̷ ͵ tex4ht ڰ õϰ ִ ̱⵵ մϴ.

6.4 tex4ht font?


6.5 tex4ht unicode(UTF-8)

  • tex4ht omega Lambda Ѵٴ Ҹ Ƿ, õ CJK-latex ̿ϴ Դϴ. ̰͵ ο Unicode htf ϰ font Դϴ.
  • ktug Practical use غ ֱ ϴµ. ktug ʾƼ. ű⿡ Ƹ Դϴ.
  • htfȭԴϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/b5ka.zip Դϴ. ߿ cmsbt directory ִ ѱ unicode htf fileԴϴ. ׶ ׶ 鶧 ÷ ϴµ, ߰ 𿡼 , ߸ü ֽϴ. ̸ cmsbt ø, ڿԴ cjk script ̷ ̶ ϰڽϴ.
  • Linux UTF-8 ִ Localeġ ϰ kate Ÿ ε մϴ. Է±δ ߽ϴ.
  • ѱ ó ͵ practical user Ϻ ɴϴ. ƴմϴ.(׸ ׿)


6.6 tex4ht ο htf


6.7 latex.4htȭ

  • Ƹ latex.4ht ȭ LaTeX source Ǿ ִµ ͽϴ.(??) ׷ 𸣰. ⿡ٰ \LaTeX{}ɾ \HLaTeX{}ɾ ߽ϴ. ϳ׿.


6.8 html4.4htȭ

  • ˱δ ƴѵ . tex4ht .4ht file߿ html µ ߿ ȭ ƴѰ ͽϴ. ѹ ã ø ǽǰ Դϴ.


6.9 latex4wp source tex file ذ͵

  • 켱 boxedminipage minipage ٲپ ־ϴ.
  • haguljosa.sty hfont.sty ٲپ ־ϴ.
  • font size ɵ recommandؼ myscriptsize ٲپ ־ϴ.
  • ׸ ο version ־ tex4ht ʴ style ؼ PS file  include Դϴ.
  • ο hangul.4htȭԴϴ. hangul.4ht hangul.sty ϰ ϴµ, װ ׸ ʳ׿. 켱 ΰ ⿡ ٽ ѹ 캸ڽϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/hangul.4ht Դϴ.


6.10 Newcommand tex4ht ؽŰ

  • ο command ϰ Ŀ  ϸ tex4ht ? Դϴ. tex4ht \NewConfigure ɾ մϴ. tex4ht ø Ǿ ʴ ο ɾ ״ ֽϴ. ⸦ .http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn6.html. Web Companion Դϴ.
    \newcommand{\try}{\Pre Just trying. \Post}

  • ׷ٸ ̷ ͵ ξ ϴ°? source ξ ϴ°? ƴϸ cfgȭϿ ξ ϴ°? ̰͵ ƴϸ hangul.4ht 4ht ξ ϴ°? ??? http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn3.html#QQ1-3-17

  • latex4wp webȭ ϱ ؼ NewconfigureԴϴ. ϴ.


6.11 tex4ht ظϴ enviromentϱ

  • ſ ϴ. latex4wp bfseries Ǿ ʾҽϴ. ׷ ConfigureEnv{bfseries}{\Protect\HCode{<span class="boldseries">}}<\Protect\HCode{</span>}}{}{} ָ ˴ϴ. ο tex4ht web site web companion ϼ.


6.12 XML

  • Ƹ ̰ Ե tex4ht ϴ ֿ ΰ͵ ϴ. 𸣱 ? ̹ hlguide ѱ 鼭 Ȥ ʿ 𸣰ڽϴ. 츮 ȭ 鼭 Ȥ ѹ մϴ.


6.13 tex4ht indexing


7 mouseover option

mouseover option Ẹ. ֽϴ. ̰ footnote bibliography mouse ö󰡸 ̱ ϴ. overlib.js overlib.css directory down޾Ƽ ϼž ϰ. command option ù parameter mouseover optiond ־ մϴ. ׷ ̰ Mozilla ۵ ϰ, IE ۵ ϳ׿.



DeleteMe Ű ø±. ñѵ. latex2html Ǻ ִµ, tex4ht ü . latex2htmló Ǻ ַ  ϳ?

̷ Wiki page ֽôٴ... LaTeXʺԴϴ. ׳ ̰ غٰ ̰ غ ̷ ִ.. ϴ Դϴ. ׾ . \NewConfigure Ȯ 䵵 Դϴ. ׳ tex4ht homepage ׷ ־ ѹ Դϴ. ̷ ø LaTeX Ե Program Ƿִºе ø, ̾ ϸ鼭, ٲֽǰ Ƽ Դϴ. ׷ٸ hangul.sty hangul.4ht ? Դϴ. hangul.4ht Ͽ ⿵ڻ ѱ۰ TeX Ϻα ۼ Դϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/chapter.html ۿ linux k󿡼 \TeX ɾ ԰, ưµ, ̻ϰԵ(?) IE ¥ ̻ϰų ڿ ̻ϰ ͼ, \ ۼ ߽ϴ. ѹ ð Ͻôº ּ. ù° Section \TeXϸ ߵ˴ϴ. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/chapter2.html ι° ù \TeXϸ ߵ˴ϴ. ǵʹ ٸ ù . http://www.obgy.ne.kr/chapter3.html \TeX ݺؼ ̷ Ǵ±. http://www.obgy.ne.kr/chapter4.html ƴϸ CSS å ѱǻ ɰ ⵵ ϱ. wiki ó ̱ ϴ.

ֳ׿... ƹư ݱ غ ֽø ϰڽϴ. ~ hangul.4ht Ÿ ʳ Ǵ ֽ ? --Karnes
մϴ. ׷ ʿ ͱ ڱ. ͸ κкκ ÷ϴ. ƴ ϴ. ׳ ƴٴϸ鼭 밡ٸ ϴ Դϴ. ¿ ϴ ̰ ϸ ̰ ȵǰ, ̷ Դϴ. ׳ ± Ẹ, hangul.4ht øϴ. Ͻô ٲپ ϰ ִ ȯ Ǹ ڴµ. ̸ ̷ . ?^^--병룡
DeleteMe 켱 ڵ(?) Ͻð ŰȨ ø鼭 ʸ ø ˴ϴ. ŰȨ ̸ ʸ ϸ ױ. [, ] WikiName ︮ ʴ ʸ( ó) ũ ؼ ׷ ̰, ٸ е WkPark ԰ 귡Ŷ  Ȩ ˴ϴ. ;) 湮غø ٷ дϴ. --Karnes TeX4ht XML ̾ϴ. HTML ȯ, LaTeX2Html ׷ ϸ鼭 ־. ƹư 躴 ۾ TeX4ht Ȱ밡ɼ Ȯǰ ִ Ƽ ϴ. --Karnes

TeX4HT XML ִ° . ҽ hangul.4ht ׸ ׷ ؼ XML ְڽϱ? XML , XML (?) ʸ  ñմϴ. ̱ XML ٰ ϴµ, 츮󿡼 ״ ̰ ʽϱ? XML ͺ̽ Ϻ üϰų 䳻 ִٸ(?) 뼺 ũٰ մϴ. --hoze

(2003 Ѵٰ ϰ) ׵ Ŷ, ͵(?) оȽϴ. ʹ μ , ü ƴϾ ˼մϴ. 𸣴 κ Ƽ.  ؾ 𸣰ڽϴ. Ǿ о ⿡ ϰڽϴ. --synapse

: "tex4ht.env" file "gswin32c" ֱ. ׷ "Ʈ ũƮ" ʿ ε, ³? -- ڱ 2004-01-28 16:05:30
ȳϽʴϱ? G-script ִ gswin32c ϽŰ ϴ. G-script dvi picture gif ȯִ ϴ Դϴ. ⿡ system ɼ ֽϴ. ϼ.http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn27.html#pdf-based Ƹ ƹ Netpbm ϸ ʿ, ImageMagick convert ϰ , ⿡ graphic improvement ؼ page ֱ մϴ. ñϽ ؼ Ȯ ؼ ̷ ϴ. ׸ site ѹ ϼ. http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn-unix.html#index22-35009 ^^ --synapse

, 3° ̰ ۵Ű ־ ִ ʺԴϴ. ȯ xp, MiKTeX-KTUG 2.2, NetPBM10.18.4(2003 12 27Ͽ ö version)̰, ghost-script GSView ġ ʾҴ Դϴ. AFPL-GhostScript 8.13 gs813w32.exe ޾ҽϴ. մϴ. -- ڱ 2004-01-29 09:15:51

TeX4ht õ 1° Ǿ±. ҽϴ. ⿡ ִ hangul.4ht ȯ濡 ۵ ʴ. "\Configure" ɾ ˾ƺ Ͱϴ. ĥ ڿ ٽ ø. -- ڱ 2004-02-04 08:13:11
ȳϼ. ڱϴ! hangul.4ht ۵ Դϴ. Ƹ wiki page ̷ ۿ ̾߱Ⱑ ֱ ϴµ. tex4ht õؼ? ȵǴ κ ô tex class ǵ ʴ κ , error message ̴ϴ. ׸, 𸣰 ̱ ׷ϴ. hangul.4htٴ private.cfg ϰ ֽϴ. hangul.4ht hangul.sty ʿ κи copyؼ ֽϴ. Error ȳ test ! ׷ ϼ. Ǿ մϴ. մϴ. --synapse

tex4ht [http]MathML XHTML ϴϱ, MathML (gif ̹ ) ϴ ͵ ʽÿ. Mozilla 迭 (Mozilla, Firebird, netscape 7.x ) W3C Amaya MathML ƹ ߰ ۾ (Computer Modern Mathematica ۲ð Symbol ۲ø ġϸ: [http]http://www.mozilla.org/projects/mathml) մϴ. , MS IE 5.5 ̻ MathML viewer ϱ MS IE ڵ MathML Դϴ. --
մϴ. ׷ а о߿ ..... Ƹ 20 ϴ. Ƶ Բ δ ϰ ֽϴ. 1+1=2 Դϴ. ܿ 5̰ŵ.... Դϴ.. ׷? Ѱ ñѰ? XML tex4ht ̿ؼ ϴ. ׷ ׷ XML DB ̿ؼ queryϰų searchϰ ִ ü ִ°? php4xml̶ å о ֱ ѵ. computer science  ׷ ʹ ƽϴ. κ صǾٰ ϸ ٸ κ .... ׷ Դϴ. phpschool XML ؼ Ȥ е ֱ⵵ ؼ. site ִ å õ ּ. մϴ. --synapse

mouseover Ϳ partical use ؼ. htmlȭϿ ü 뺸ٴ ü ٰŸ ְ, tag ־ ö󰡸, Ϸ ϰ ִµ.... ̰ ߴµ .... ö󰡴µ, ѱ ö ʽϴ. private.cfg ̷ ִ, ⿡ ׿. plain tex(?) ƴϸ ̹ ȸ unicode ű ؾ Ұ . ε˴ϴ.Ƿ , Ȥ ֽǺ ?

÷ֽ hangul.4ht ϴ <html> ± ʿ µ˴ϴ. -.-;

ũ htf ϵ ޾Ƽ ġ charset=utf-8 ְ unicodeε ȯؼ øϴ. ̶,
htfcss:wmj font-style: normal
ó htfcss: ٷ ڿ մϴ. css ߰ ʾҽϴ. ׸ bold font-style font-weight ƽϴ. tex4ht texmf մϴ. hangul.4ht ذ ؼ(Ǵ ظ ؼ) charset ±׸ ־ϴ. Uploads:hlatex-tex4ht-texmf.zip -- HuidaeCho

մϴ. ÿ ̱ ҽϴ. ߾ ּ̱. ̹ ϴ. ± κ ٽ ѹ غ ڽϴ. hangul.4ht ƴմϴ. ׳ private.cfg ϼŵ ϴ. private.cfg ذ  ׳ ׷ ߴ Դϴ. Ϳ ְ hangul.4ht ġ ϰ ֽϴ. Ź帳ϴ.

׸ ǻ͸ ð  ϴٰ ֱٿ ͼ , web hostingϰ ִ ׳ ȭ ȴ! ϴ. ȳ. ׷ ʹϴ ͱ ϳ׿!  ذ鼭 Ϸ ħ , Դϴ.  ? ٽ ϱ⿡ ʹ , backup ִ ã Ƶ ã ׿. ӽϴ. ۿ ktug ÷ ߸ߴ ϴ. Ͷ ϳ ϳ ϴ. ˼մϴ. ׸ θ hangul.4ht ֱ մϴٸ tex4ht tex Ѵٴ  ѹ Ҵ DZ մϴ. ̷ õ غڽϴ. -- synapse

ѱ ogana ojaso enumerateȯ Դϴ. Uploads:test.html켱 ׳ ϴٴ ͸ Դϴ. ̰ Uploads:test.tex compileѰ Դϴ. ټ ̻ϱ Uploads:hangul-tex4ht.sty̶ ߽ϴ. Ư ƴմϴ. hangul-k.sty hangul.4htκп error Դϴ. hangul.4ht hangul-tex4ht.4ht ٲپ compileؾ Դϴ. 迡 ʽϴ. -- synapse


9 wmj04..wmj07 htf TEXMF TREE

ֱ ۾ ̷Ӱ ֽϴ. ׷ wmj04.hft ִ? Ȥ wmj04..07.htf ν ÷ּ... ---Karnes
մϴ. ˸ ְ ٵ..... ð ʹ ؼ ׳ ʴ ̶ ° ٰ ϰ ÷ ֱ մϴ. ϴٰ ʴ ϴٶ ٺ ʴ° ϴ. ̷Ӱ Ŵٴ 帳ϴ. Ʒ htfȭ ʾҽϴ. Uploads:wmj04.htf Uploads:wmj05.htf Uploads:wmj06.htf Uploads:wmj07.htf --synapse
ø test غ wmj04.htf ֽϴ. tex4ht Ʈ ϰ ־ UTF-8 ڵ ϴ. ð ڽϴ. [http]wmj04.htf --Karnes
׷? ñѰ ִµ. hfont.4ht hangul.4ht hfotn.4ht euc-kr Ǿְ, hangul.4ht UTF-8 Ǿ ִ. ̰ Ѱ? UTF-8 ؼ cjk-latex ؾ ʳ.ƴϸ omegaε... tex4ht omega ϴٴ ̾߱ ? ̻ؼ? հ ̾߱Ⱑ ʴµ;? ϰ ִ° ͱ⵵ ϱ? --synapse
ϱ⿡ .tex Է ڵ HTML UTF-8 ϴ ˴ϴ. ׷Ƿ omega HTML ڵ ʹ 谡 . ֱ XML ڵ带 ⺻ ϴ ߼ϱ .texκ XML/HTML UTF-8 ڵ ϴ ƴұ? ƹư ø Uploads:test.html غ UTF-8 Ǿ ֽϴ. => [http]test.html --Karnes , ׸ test.html̶ ϸ ʹ "Ϲ"̶ ̸ εع ϴ. ׽Ʈ ϸ ÷ֽø ϰڽϴ. --Karnes

÷ֽ wmj04-07.htf unicode  ٽ http://geni.ath.cx/tex/hlatex-tex4ht-texmf.zip ÷Ƚϴ. -- HuidaeCho
մϴ. ׷ µ ѹ ʾ׿!. մϴ. --synapse
Ǽ ־ ٽ ÷Ƚϴ. :) ׷ ɺ ȯ Ǿ ͵ ִµ  óϼ̴. -- HuidaeCho
wmj05, wmj06 ä wmj07 ϴ. ڵ(UTF-8)Դϴ. EUC-KR wmj07.htf ణ ִ ( synapse wmj07 Huidae ڵ ȯ Ͻ װ ƴϾ մϴ.) ѹ ֽñ⸦ ٶϴ. => [http]wmj05-07.zip --Karnes , EUC-KR wmj07 ڵ ϴ.
07 0xA3A1_0xA3DB 0xA3DD_0xA3FE 0xA5A1_0xA5AA 0xA5B0_0xA5B9 0xA5C1_0xA5D8 \
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   0xACA1_0xACC1 0xACD1_0xACF1 
UTF-8, EUC-KR ؼ ٽ ÷Ƚϴ. http://geni.ath.cx/tex.html -- HuidaeCho

TeX4ht ̿ؼ UTF-8 ۼ ѱ HLaTeX UTF-8 HTML ȯ ִ? (*.tex) EUC-KR̰ HTML EUC-KR UTF-8 ϴ. ̰ Ϸ Ƹ TeX4ht latex lambda ϴ. DHUcs UTF-8 ۼ latex TeX4ht ϴ. -- HuidaeCho
ȳϼ. λ帳ϴ. wikiX ۵ ϴ ϴ. ٰ ȵǾ ׳ Խϴ. ǰϽ! ˱δ TeX4ht lambda ʴ° ϴ. ׷ Դϴ. Ƹ utf-8 ۼ euc-kr ٲٰ Ŀ, euckr HLaTeX dhucs ȯؼ ϴ մϴ.(Ƹ ̾ƹ ̷ script ̴ ϴ.karnes 7... .?) Ŀ dhucs utf-8 ۼ մϴ. -- synapse
? lambda ϴ±. iconv DHucs ۿ ڽϴ. Ȩ ״ ֽϴ. ִ ñմϴ. :) -- HuidaeCho

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