To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools.
FrontPageKarnes/2009-03&value=TeX&value=Karnes/2009-03&value=TeX占쏙옙占쏙옙키&value=그림GFaqUpdatePreparation&value= › WinEdtTip/ȣԷ


@@ -1,194 +1,441 @@
<!> ġ ִ Դϴ. KTUG Խ ̾ƺ ̸ Ű ̴ּµ ߺ ְ, ʴ ְ, ȯ ٲ Ͽ ð ɸ ġ ϴ . ׸ ġ 뼭Ͽ ֽʽÿ.--[Yhchoe]

== LaTeXSymbols ==
[http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] Scott Pakin "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List" ֽ(2005-09-22) Դ . ȣ Ű(usepackage) Բ Ͽ . Index(82-105) TeX ɾ Բ ȣ ׸ ־  ãⰡ մϴ. μ θ Դ. [[FootNote( μϿ θ ȴ. WinEdt  Usepackage 𸣴 찡 . ̶ symbols-a4.pdf ϸ ϴ.)]] ٷ (2003-09-29) ϸ Symbol 2826 3300, ǥ 210 225, ʼ 91ʿ 105 þ . ߰ Ư 62-63
<!> WinEdt  Usepackage 𸣴 찡 ϴ. symbols Table 222: phaistos Symbols from the Phaistos Disk
Table 223: protosem Proto- a4.pdf ϸ մ Semitic Characters
Table 224: hieroglf Hieroglyphics
Table 225: dictsym Dictionary Symbols
׸ ڵ.

== WinEdt ȣ Է ϱ: ==
=== Լ ǥ ===

'''׸ 1:''' ̸(function name) ǥõǴ "Լ " ǥ[[FootNote(symbols-a4.pdf(2005-09-22) 34(Table 96) ̵ deg, Pr "Log-like Symbols" Ͽϴ. "atomic math objects" ڴ ֽϴ. "log-like function"̶ մϴ. ̵ 忡 \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh, \dig, \Pr Էմϴ. ̵ det, gcd, inf, lim, liminf, limsup, max, min, Pr, sup ÷ 忡 ÷, Ʒ÷ ġ ٸϴ. ̷ ȣ '''Variable-size Math Operator''' մϴ.)]] -- WinEdt â Tool Bar [[FootNote(TeX Symbols GUI: Ű [TeX] "TeX Ⱑ ߾ " 񱳿 "ȣ GUI " WinEdt ִ ̶ Ͽϴ.)]] [[FootNote(TeX Symbols [GUI]: Ű [TeX] "TeX Ⱑ ߾ " 񱳿 '''ȣ GUI''' ߴ WinEdt, AcroEdit, JEdit, EmEditor ִٰ Ͽϴ.)]] Gui Page(: )[[FootNote(ٸ ̰ ϴ ޴ ߵ ִ ȸ Ŀ(ȭǥ) ΰ 콺 Ŭϸ ׸ó Pop-up ޴ Ÿµ ⼭ Ʒ ִ "Show Gui Page Control" ˴ϴ.)]] ִ Gui Page(: ) Ÿϴ. "`Functions(x) ...`" ׸ 30 '''Լ '''(function) ''' ǥ''' (operator)[[FootNote(⼭ "" Ѽȸ "п" Դϴ. "Լ" "" Դϴ. "Լ"  ۿϿ οϴ (function)̰, ""  () Ǵ Լ ۿ(operation)Ͽ οϰų ٸ Լ οϴ մϴ. Ȥ "" ̿ ۿϿ ο Ÿ ''' '''(binary opreation: , , , ) ȥϴ ֽϴ. ׷ ׳ "" '''ۿ''' ڴ е ֽϴ. " " ȣ " "(binary relation: ȣ, εȣ, ) ȣ ȥϴ 찡 ֽϴ. 忡 ̵鿡 ־ ݾ ٸ ȴٴ ֽϴ. ȥ ϱ ؼ "", " ", " " Ͽ մϴ. Ʒ " ǥ " )]] ǥ Ÿϴ. "Լ" "" ǥõ 忡 ׳ \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh ɾ Էϸ ݰ ۲ Ǿ ǥǵ Ǿ ֽϴ.

̹ ǵ "Լ" "" ǥ(: 밢 Ÿ '''diag''') 忡 \mathrm{diag} Էϸ ˴ϴ. ׷ ̰ ǮϿ ̸ ƿ ں
ó Ͽ ų, '''DeclareMathOperator''' Ἥ Ͽ մϴ. -> [ [FootNote] http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 7.3 Math-mode spacing (74-75)

=== Լ ǥ ===
׸ Ÿ "Լ ǥ" deg <!> \mathop, Pr \newcommand, {{{\DeclareMathOperator}}}, {{{\DeclareMathOperator*}}} [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 34 (Table 96) ̸ " Log log-like Symbols function" ϴ. 忡 ɾ ݰ ۲ Ǿ Ʒ ׸ " Լ Variable-sized Math Opreator" Ǵ "" ǥǵ Ǿ ֽϴ. ̸ ǵ Լ ǥø ں `\ [DeclareMathOperator `[[FootNote(AMSLaTeX Ŭ ƴ \usepackage{amsmath} մϴ.)]] Ἥ ϸ ݰ ۲ Ǿ ǥ˴ϴ. -> [ ] Ǵ http:// ftp www. ktug tex. or ac. kr uk/ mirrors cgi-bin/ CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 7.3 Math-mode spacing (74-75) AMSLaTeX ׸ "`\DeclareMathOperator`" texfaq2html?label=newfunction .

==== Variable-sized Math Opreator ====
Ʒ ׸ " ۲" '''׸ 10''' "Math" ֽϴ. ϰ Ǿ ִ ȣ displaymath 忡 Ʒ÷ڴ ȣ ٷ ؿ ̰ ϰ, ÷ڴ ٷ ̰ մϴ. ̷ ȣ "Variable-size Math Opreator" մϴ.

=== м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ) ===
WinEdt ̹ ȣ GUI () ` "Variable-size Math ` ϸ( ִ κ Opreators" ȣ ں `\usepackage{amsmath}` մϴ) "xyz abc" ǥõ ߰ . ߸ ˾Ƶ `\frac{}{}` Էµ˴ϴ. "m n" Ÿ `$\frac{n}{m}$`, `$\dfrac{n}{m}$`, `$$\frac{n}{m}$$`, `$$\tfrac{n}{m}$$` Է մϴ.
n m ϴ " "() Ÿ 鹭 () (2 X 1 ) `$\binom{n}{m}$`, `$\dbinom{n}{m}$`, `$$\binom{n}{m}$$`, `$$\tbinom{n}{m}$$` Էմϴ symbols-a4. ̰ pdf 21-25 ӿ 2 X 3 `$\binom{1\;2\;3}{0\;0\;0}$` () ø ʰ ֽϴ.
''':''' ⼭ ϴ ɾ `\frac{}{}`, `\dfrac{}{}`, `\tfrac{}{}`, `\binom{}{}`, `\dbinom{}{}`, `\tbinom{}{}`
\genfrac{ ǥ}{ ǥ}{ }{ "Table 47: Variable-sized Math Operators" (Ʒ ׸ 9 Ÿ }{}{и} ū ȣ 14)
"Table 48: AmS Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 49: stmaryrd Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 50: wasysym Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 51: mathabx Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 52: txfonts/pxfonts Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 53: esint Variable-sized Math Operators"
ӿ ִ ȣ "Variable-size Math Operator"Դϴ. ľ stmaryrd, wasysym, txfonts, pxfonts, esint ں ־ Ű Ÿϴ. ٸ {{{AmS}}} amssymb ־ մϴ.
<!> : stmaryrd, wasysym, mathabx, txfonts, pxfonts usepackage ش Ÿ ־ ϴ ٸ Ű 浹 ų ֽϴ.
׸ ȣ `\int\limits_{x=0}^{x=1}` ó ɾ ٷ `\ genfrac limits` ־ ȣ Ư `{ Ʒ ٷ ÷ } ٴ ͵ ֽϴ.
{ и {|
\det \gcd \inf \lim \liminf \limsup \max \min \Pr \sup
|} ` Ͽ }
ɾ Է ڴ Variable-size Math Operator ֽ ϴ.
׸ ° ǥ "Table 97: { {{AmS} }} Log-like Symbols"(34) Ÿ 0 ɾ Դϴ.
\injlim, 1 \varinjlim, 2 \varlimsup, 3 \varliminf, \projlim, \varprojlim
=== ǥ ڸ ִµ 0 ===
' ÷ Ÿ' , 1 ' Ÿ :' '' KTUGBoard:5174'''''', http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb18-1/tb54becc.pdf
Mittelbach `TLC2`( The [LaTeXCompanion], 2nd ed.) 528 ʿ
Table 8.11: Symbols of class \ textstyle mathord (miscellaneous)
ְ Ʒ
A common mistake is to use the symbols from Table 8.11 directly as Binary operator or Relation
symbols, 2 without using a properly defined math symbol command for that type. Thus, if you use
commands such as \ scriptstyle #, 3 \ scriptscriptstyle square, or \&, check carefully that you get the correct inter-symbol
spaces or, even better, define your own symbol command.
ϰ ٷ 8-9-4 ÷ ξϴ. 8-9-4.ltx ̿Ͽ Դϴ. θ
'''׸ 2:''' ȣ Ÿ
==== ( Binary Operator) ====
'''׸ 3:''' ȣ
==== (Binary Relation) ====
symbols-a4.pdf(2005-09-22) 25-30 󰩴 ȣ .
'''׸ 4:''' ȣ
=== smallmatrix, м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ), ȣ(ݥ) ===
ִ smallmatrix, м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ), ȣ(ݥ) [WinEdtTip/] űϴ.
=== n ===
Ʒ "ı۲" ÷ε '''׸ 9''' "n abc" ߰ ֽϴ. ̰
Էµ˴ϴ. ⼭ n 3 ٲٸ 3 ȣ ˴ϴ. Ȱ¯ {} ӿ ʿ (: a^3+b^3 ) ˴ϴ. ߸ \sqrt{} Էµ˴ϴ.
=== ȭǥ [] ===
'''׸ 5:'''
WinEdt Gui Page "---> ..." ǥõ Ŭ ׸ Ÿϴ.
symbols-a4.pdf 31-33ʿ ִ ȭǥ ߿ GUI ߷ Դϴ.
'''Q1:''' ߿ rightarrow ̸ մϱ? ؼ ׷ϴ. ִ ˷ּ.
'''A:''' symbols-a4.pdf 32
{{ { |
Table 85: stmaryrd Arrows
\ newcommand rightarrow ª \ tbmatrix[2] shortrightarrow ֽϴ. ߿ $\shortrightarrow$ ˴ϴ. ׷ ɾ Preamble
{ {|
\ genfrac usepackage{ stmaryrd}
'''Q2:''' (From KTUGOperate:13586'''''') rightharpoonup ϸ ª ȭǥ ǥð Ǵµ...
1) xrightarrow ϴ ó ̸ ǥ ִ ?
2) rightharpoonup * ǥϿ ϰ ?
'''A:''' [ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 41
Table 130: empheq Extensible Accents
|} }
\xrightharpoonup{ ]} ˴ϴ. Ͽ .
\documentclass{ 0pt article}
\usepackage{ empheq}
\begin{ #1 document}
$\xrightharpoonup{ #2 \qquad_*\qquad} $
ں Ͽ ΰ ʿ `$\tbmatrix{n}{m}$` ֽϴ. ̰ ӿ 2 X 3 `$\tbmatrix{1\;2\;3}{0\;0\;0}$` ==== Commutative Diagram ( CD) ø ʰ ֽϴ. ٸ δ Ʒ smallmatrix ֽϴ. ====

=== smallmatrix === http://ktug.kldp.org/jsboard/data/operate/files/20030523100033/cd.jpg

''' Q'''(from KTUGOperate ׸ 5-1: 15746''' ''')''':''' Ŀ , begin{displaymath} ˰ ֽϴ.
׷ ϸ, ̾ ƴ϶, ĸ dz׿. ,
Since x=|1 2|, det x is not zero.
|3 4|
̷ , display math , ̰ ʰ, ĸ display dz׿. ü displaymathϸ DZ , ׷ ϰ ʰ. ˾ ڽϴ. Commutative Diagram

''' A Q3-1:'''( from From KTUGOperate: 115748 5343'''''') Ŵ ãƵ ó ǥ ŸⰡ ׿.
n-1 1 0
Mn = ----> ... ----> ... ---> M0
⿡, ȭǥ ڸ ִ ˰ ͽϴ. \frac{ }{ } ϸ ߰ --- ̷ , \overrightarrow ϸ vector ǥó Դϴ.
''' Q3-2:''' ( Ŀ From KTUGOperate:9568'''''') amsmath Ű smallmatrix ȯ Ʒ Էϱؼ  մϱ? stackrel ص, ø ʴ.
A ----------> 0
'''A:''' '''CD ȯ'''(amscd Ű) ϴ.
{{{ #!vim tex
A & @>a>b> & B & @<c<< & C \\
@VdVV & & @A{E_1}A{E^2}A & & @VVfV \\
D & @>g>> & E & @<h<i< & F
M_n = & @>n-1>> & \cdots & @>1>> & \cdots & @>0>> M_0
ϸ '''׸ 5-1''' Ÿϴ.
ٸ ɾ '''\stackrel''' Ǵ '''\xrightarrow''' ϴ(Helmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly {{{A GUIDE TO LaTeX, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999, 135}}} "5.3.5 Stacked symbols" ). ϸ ó "r->0" ȭǥ ʿ Ÿ ° Ʒʿ Ÿϴ.

The matrix
$ $A \ left(
stackrel{r \ begin to 0}{ smallmatrix \longrightarrow }
1 & 0 \\ $$
0 & 1
$$A \ end xrightarrow{ smallmatrix r \rightarrow 0} 0 $$
$$A \ right) xrightarrow[r \rightarrow 0]{} 0 $
is called the identity matrix. $%{} ־ 0 ȭǥ Ÿ

Ʒ '''Q4:''' (From KTUGOperate:17235'''''') 밳 ȭǥ \longrightarrow \to Ǵ \mapsto ȭǥ 翡ΰ ׸ų \nearrow ణ 񽺵 ȭǥ ׸⵵ ø ϴ µ 쿡 İ ̿ 밢 ȭǥ ׸ ʿ䰡 ֱ. 쿡  ؾ ϳ? ׸ ȭǥ ⸦ ʿ䰡 ִ 쵵 ?

'''A:''' '''XY-pic''' ϴ ֽϴ. [http:// my ftp.ktug.or.kr/ TeXLive7 mirrors/ texmf CTAN/ doc/ guides macros/ companion generic/ ch8 diagrams/xypic/xy-3.7/doc/xyguide.pdf xyguide.pdf] Ͻʽÿ.
=== () ǥ ===

=== n === '''1:'''
'''° 缱(/) ߴ ''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 40 " ı۲ Table 126: Extensible Accents" ÷ε ׸ "n abc" ߰ ֽϴ.
'''׸ 6:''' ׸ (1) `\usepackage{cancel}` Ʒ (2)-(5) `\usepackage{cancel}` Դϴ.
ɾ `\cancelto{B}{A}` `A->B` Ÿϴ. B ۾ scriptsize Ϸ Ÿ ɼ Smaller մϴ.
Ͽ .
\usepackage[Smaller]{cancel}%ɼ thicklines ǥð ϰ
%ɼ Smaller \cancelto{B}{A} B ۾ scriptsize
a \hskip-5pt / + b -a \hskip-5pt / = b
\cancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \cancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
\bcancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \bcancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
\xcancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \xcancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
b + \cancelto{(a-b)^2}{(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b + (a-b)^2
'''Q5:''' I know how to write like this.
5 16 2
-- X -- = --
8 15 3
But I want to describe the process of dividing out common factors from the numerators and denominators. For example, there should be '1' above 5 and '3' below 15, and so on. How do I cross out the letters and write a little numbers above or below the numerators and denominators..
'''A:''' `\ sqrt newcommand` `\DeclareMathOperator` Ἥ `Operator` Ͽ 忡 ι Ʒ '''2'''ó ɾ `\mathop` ʿ մϴ.
'''׸ 6-1:'''
\documentclass[ n 12pt]{ article}
$$ {\mathop{\cancel{5}}^{1}}\quad ... \quad {\mathop{\cancel{15}}_{3}} $$
Էµ˴ϴ. ⼭ n 3 ٲٸ 3 ȣ ˴ϴ. Ȱ¯ {} ӿ ʿ (: a^3+b^3 ) ˴ϴ. ߸ \sqrt{} Էµ˴ϴ.

== ۲ ==

'''׸ 7:'''
ִ ü ü, Ÿü, Ÿü Tool Bar ߰ ֽϴ. Է ֽϴ.
1. ش (μ Sans) \textsf{} ȭ鿡 Էµǰ Ŀ(I) ǥ {} Ÿ ֽϴ. ̶ ǿ ڸ Էմϴ.
2. ڸ ǿ Էϰ ȭ鿡 ϴ κ ش ߸ ˴ϴ. ׸ X ''''''ϴ ̰, ݺϿ Ųٷ Ž ö󰡸鼭 մϴ. Ķ X Verbatim ϴ Դϴ.

=== ȭ ǥ() "Ȯ ƾ" ===
'''׸ 8:'''
Ͼ, , , , Ű ȣ(Text-mode Accents) θ[[FootNote(Ʒ ѱۿ "Ȯ ƾ" Ͽϴ. Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " )]] TeX ٷ [[FootNote(̷ ڵ TeX ٷ ְ WinEdt â Ÿ Ϸ Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " Ͻʽÿ.)]] WinEdt " " ٲ ʾҴٸ "Default(Window) Charset" ߾ ֱ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ٷ Էϸ ? ǥõ˴ϴ. ׷ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ʴ WinEdt ش θڿ Accentɾ մϴ. Ͼ "A 칫Ʈ" \"{A} Էմϴ. ĭ𳪺 {\O} Էմϴ. WinEdt GUI Page "International" Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. θڸ Է ȣ(Text-mode Accents) ̰ θڸ ش ߸ Ŭϸ θڿ ش ɾ ϴ. ƴϸ ɾ \"{} Էϰ ǥ {} ش θڸ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ٷ {\ss} Էմϴ(׸ ). ׸("International" GUI Page) ִ ɾ ܿ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 12-15ʿ
Table 18: Text-mode Accents
Table 19: tipa Text-mode Accents
Table 20: extraipa Text-mode Accents
Table 21: wsuipa Text-mode Accents
Table 22: phonetic Text-mode Accents
Table 23: metre Text-mode Accents
Table 24: t4phonet Text-mode Accents
Table 25: arcs Text-mode Accents
"Text-mode Accent" ֽϴ.

Ͼ, , , Ű ȣ <!> (Ʒ ѱۿ ħ International" Ȯ ƾ GUI Page " Ͽ ȭ ǥõ ׿. Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " ) TeX ͵ ٷ WinEdt "Default(Window) Charset" θ ? ǥ ɾ {\euro} Է˴ϴ. ׷  "Ȯ ƾ" ڴ ش θ \usepackage{eurosym} ں մϴ . ̷ ڵ TeX ٷ ְ WinEdt â Ÿ Ϸ Ű WinEdt ׸ "Charset( ) " Ͻʽÿ.

International Ŭϸ ش θڿ ɾ ִ ߵ ֽϴ [[FootNote]]
=== Phonetic Symbols ===
http://www. ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/operate/files/20060904094008/phonetic.jpg

<!> ħ '''׸ 8-1:''' symbols-a4.pdf 10
'''Q1'''(From KTUGOperate:18771'''''')''':''' ȳϼ? winedt ȭ ۾ε... ȣ  ǥ ֳ׿ ϴ. ߿ ٷ . ֽø ϰڽϴ.
'''A:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf symbols-a4.pdf] 9-12
Table 10: tipa Phonetic Symbols
Table 11: tipx Phonetic Symbols
Table 13: wsuipa Phonetic Symbols
Table 14: wasysym Phonetic Symbols
Table 15: phonetic Phonetic Symbols
Table 16: t4phonet Phonetic Symbols
\usepackage Phonetic Symbols ֽϴ. ̰ ϸ鼭 ԷϽø
ϴ. Ͻô
{ eurosym {|
Table 10: tipa Phonetic Symbols
|} }
ɾ ں
˴ϴ. (accents and diacritics) ȣ  ؼ
׸ Ͻʽÿ.
޴ ʿϸ
Ͻʽÿ. "accents and diacritics" ޴ 17ʿ ֽϴ.

=== (, , , ₤) ===
symbols-a4.pdf 16
"Table 29: textcomp Currency Symbols"
ӿ , , , ₤ ֽϴ. ߿ ٷ \usepackage{textcomp} ں ־ մϴ.
=== SI ǥ ===
(: Thomas' Calculus 11th ed., 2005) ͹ \textrm{} óϸ ˴ϴ. ft Ÿ $\textrm{ft}^2$ մϴ.
ü(SI: Systeme International d'Unites) [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/SIstyle/doc/latex/SIstyle/SIstyle.pdf SIstyle.pdf] Ͻʽÿ.
=== ٱ߱(Cross Out) ===
Ʒ ׸ ߿ (Underline Emphasis) ǥϰų Ʋ (Strike Out) Ÿ Ͽ "ٱ߱" ʿϸ ulem Ű մϴ. -->See KTUGOperate:2697
'''׸ 9:''' Cross Out
Ʒ ҽڵ CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2'''''' 3-1-16.ltx Խϴ.
Double underlining (\uuline{under-line}),\\
a wavy underline (\uwave{under-wave}), \\
a line through text (\sout{strike out}), \\
crossing out text (\xout{cross out, X out}),

== ۲ ==
:-9 ⼭ 忡 Ϲ ٸ ȣó ڿ Ư ۲ ϴ Ͽ մϴ. 忡 ۲ ٲٴ [п۲] Ͻʽÿ.

忡 ִ ü Ͽ 帮ڽϴ. '''׸ 10:''' `Math` ( ׸) ִ N, B, B, C, F, T ֽϴ. 忡 ִ \mathds{}, \mathbb{}[[FootNote( : ڿ ü \mathbb{N}, ü \mathbb{Z}, ü \mathbb{Q}, Ǽ ü \mathbb{R}, Ҽ ü \mathbb{C} Ÿϴ.)]], \mathbf{} (), \mathcal{} ( ζü), \mathfrak{}, \mathrm{}[[FootNote( θü)]] ۲ Ÿϴ. \mathbf{}, \mathcal{}, \mathrm{} Ű ʿ \mathds{} dsfont Ű, \mathbb{} amssymb Ű, \mathfrak{} eufrak Ű մϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 46(Table 151: Math Alphabets) 忡 ִ ĺ( ) ۲ð Ű ֽϴ. Ʒ ׸ (2003-09-29) Դϴ.

'''׸ 10-1:'''
symbols-a4.pdf 46(Table 151: Math Alphabets) 忡 ִ ĺ( ) ۲ð Ű ֽϴ. Ʒ ׸ (2003-09-29) Դϴ.

=== [ũ] ===
'''׸ 10-2:''' [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN/macros/latex/doc/fntguide.pdf LaTeXe font selection] 17 ʿ Խϴ.
=== ׸ ===
'''׸ 10-3:''' ׸ ҹ ñ׸, Խ÷, Ÿ, , , ǡ(Ǵ Ƕ)  ؼ ֳ׿. ׸ ڼ Ͽ .
=== ׸ ڿ Ÿ ڸ ϰ ===

'''׸ 10-4:'''
symbols-a4.pdf 75 (Table 231: Producing bold mathematical symbols) ֽϴ. ׸ (2003-09-29) Դϴ.
`\usepackage{amsbsy}` Preamble ְ `\mathbf{\rho}` ſ `\pmb{\rho}` (Poorman's bold) ϴ.

=== amssymb ===

'''׸ 11:''' ɾ Ÿ Preamble `\usepackage{amssymb}` ԷϿ մϴ. μ (Gui Page) AMS Ŭϸ ſ ֽϴ. Ÿ `\therefore` Էµǰ Ÿϴ. `\because` Ÿϴ.
<!> п ϴ Bourbaki Ǹ ϱ Ͽٰ Ͽ׿.([EmptySetSymbol]) TeX ɾ \emptyset ִ ֽϴ. Computer Modern Math Symbol Ʒ ׸ ó 0 缱 / ͸ \emptyset Ͽϴ. ׷ amssymb Ű \varnothing̶ ɾ ٿϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 44ʿ `Table 145: Miscellaneous LaTeX2e Math Symbols` \emptyset ּ پ ֽϴ.
"Many people prefer the look of AMS's \varnothing(Table 146) to that of LaTeX's \emptyset."
=== ѱ, ===
忡 ѱ, ٷ  ʽϴ. ѱ, ׳ text ̳ (Operator) ̳Ŀ ణ ٸϴ. ׳ text ҷ ʿ \text{ } ų ں
\newcommand{\ildd}{\text{ }}
ɾ Ͽ ΰ ˴ϴ. (Operator) \mathop{} ų ں
ɾ Ͽ ΰ ˴ϴ. (See DeclareMathOperator)
Ʒ ѱۿ Ͽ ִ (, ) ɺ(ȵǴ ͵ . , , , , ..., , , , ..., ̴ ) ȣ âǷ Ͽ ʽÿ. 츮 б å

=== ǥ ǥ ===

'''׸ 12:''' symbols-a4.pdf 36ʿ `Table 109: AmS Delimters` ȣ , ֽϴ. ȣ `\usepackage{amssymb}` Preamble ־ մϴ. WinEdt Tool Bar ߸ Gui Page Ÿϴ. ߿ `Symbols` ׸ ȣ Ÿϴ. ⼭ `` `\ulcorner` Էµ˴ϴ. 㳴ǥ(, ) ȣ Բ KTUGOperate:12770'''''' ں
{{ { |
} |}}
Ͽ ˷ ּ̽ϴ.

ҽ Ͽ Ȱ¯ǥ {}, 鹭ǥ (), 蹭ǥ [] ǥ µ ¦ ãⰡ ֽϴ. ϰ, "F12" Ű ǥ ã ݴϴ. (cf. KTUGContrib:478'''''' ׸ `[Delimiters(¦ ã) ]`)
=== ȣ(), Ʒ ǥ ===
ȣ(AB), ȣ(ABC) ڿ ȣ() ִ symbols-a4.pdf 40 "Table 128: yhmath Extensible Accents" ֽϴ. Preamble
{{ { |
} |}}
Էϰ ӿ `$\wideparen{AB}$` . 70 "Table 228: Manually Composed Extensible Accents" ǥ (), ǥ `[]` Ʒ ִ ֽϴ. 42 "Table 133: mathabx Extensible Accents" ǥ (), Ȱ¯ ǥ {} Ʒ ִ ֽϴ.
<!> Ʒ  Ȱ¯ ǥ {} ׸ " ۲" ٷ Ʒ ׸ ߸ մϴ.
<!> MiKTeX 2.4 Ҵ mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/mathabx/texinputs/ mathabx.sty ͼ ۾ ־ Ʈ ϵ ȵ˴ϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip localtexmf texmf-user (texmf ƴ) TREE ROOT Ǯ մϴ.
=== Variable-sized Math Opreator ===
׸ " ۲" ׸ "Math" ֽϴ. ϰ Ǿ ִ ȣ displaymath 忡 Ʒ÷ڴ ȣ ٷ ؿ ̰ ϰ, ÷ڴ ٷ ̰ մϴ. ̷ ȣ "Variable-size Math Opreator" մϴ.
+ "Variable-sized Math Opreator" Preamble
ϸ ˴ϴ.
<!> `\DeclareMathOperator*` Ἥ Variable-sized Math Operator Ͽ 忡 ɾ \mathop ʿ մϴ. -> AMSLaTeX "2"
̹ ȣ Variable-size Math Opreator ǵǾ ˾Ƶθ մϴ.
symbols-a4.pdf 21-25
"Table 47: Variable-sized Math Operators" (" ۲" ׸ Ÿ )
"Table 48: AmS Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 49: stmaryrd Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 50: wasysym Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 51: mathabx Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 52: txfonts/pxfonts Variable-sized Math Operators"
"Table 53: esint Variable-sized Math Operators"
ӿ ִ ȣ "Variable-size Math Operator"Դϴ.
<!> : stmaryrd, wasysym, txfonts, pxfonts usepackage ش Ÿ ־ ϴ ٸ Ű 浹 ų ֽϴ. ׸ ȣ `\int\limits_{x=0}^{x=1}` ó `\limits` ־ ȣ ٷ Ʒ ٷ ÷ڰ ٴ ͵ ֽϴ.
symbols-a4.pdf 34
"Table 96: Log-like Symbols" ("WinEdt ȣ Էϱ: " ׸ Ÿ Ͱ deg, Pr)
ɾ ԷµǴ function name Variable-size Math Operators ֽϴ.
\det \gcd \inf \lim \liminf \limsup \max \min \Pr \sup
"Table 97: AMS Log-like Symbols" Ÿ ɾ Դϴ.
\injlim, \varinjlim, \varlimsup, \varliminf, \projlim, \varprojlim
=== ѱ ֱ ===

<!> Ʒ ѱ  Ȱ¯ ǥ {} '''׸ 10''' Ͽ ִ (, ) ɺ(ȵ ߸ մϴ. Ĵ ) ȣ â
=== mathabx Ű ġ ===
42 Ͽ ʽÿ. 츮 б å "Table 133: mathabx Extensible Accents"
ǥ (), Ȱ¯ ǥ { {{
} }}
Ʒ ִ ֽϴ. -> AMSLaTeX ׸ "`\DeclareMathOperator`"

== <!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿε Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430'''''' ÷ TeX ϵ ȣ == ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535'''''' ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip texmf-user Ʈ ͸ Ǫ ϴ. Ʈ ͸ Ǯ ڵ [TDS] ° ġ˴ϴ.

== , [], ȣ = ȭǥ = ==
symbols-a4.pdf 29-33ʿ ȭǥ ֽϴ.

=== , ȣ pifont ===

̸ ""(Zapf Dingbats font) " ȣ" ֽϴ. " ȣ" Ҹ(item ڵ ȣ Ǵ ȣ) ϴ symbols-a4.pdf 53 "Table 171: pifont Cicled Numbers" ֽϴ. ǥ ()
@@ -197,7 +444,7 @@
bullet. In fact, dingautolist can use any set of consecutive Zapf
Dingbats symbols.
Ǿ ֽϴ. , \usepackage{pifont} ȯ dingautolist ȯ ְ, dingautolist ȯ enumerate ȯ ѵ Ҹ(item ڵȣ) "" ٸ " ȣ" ֽϴ.

μ `\usepackage{pifont}` Preamble ְ
@@ -212,7 +459,7 @@
\item \ding{60}, \ding{61}, \ding{64}
˴ϴ. enumerate ȯ quote ȯ
\item[\ding{172}] \ding{182}, \ding{192}, \ding{202}
@@ -228,98 +475,89 @@
\ding{175}, \ding{185}, \ding{195}, \ding{205}
ó enumerate quote ȯ Ҹ ־ մϴ.
=== ===
(!) "Ʒ ѱ" Ͽ , ..., , , ..., ̵ ˴ϴ.
(!) symbols-a4.pdf 12 Table 18: Text-mode Accents ֽϴ. ū ȿ ִ symbols-a4.pdf 58 Table 209: harmony Musical Accents ֽϴ. ѱ Ǵ ٸ ڸ ׶ ӿ ֽϴ.
\textcircled{\small } \textcircled{\small }
\textcircled{\small } \textcircled{\small }

pifont Ÿ ʴ "Ʒ ѱ" Ͽ µ ˴ \Kr{} \Kr{} \Kr{ . } \Kr{}

ѱ Ǵ ٸ ڸ ׶ ӿ ֽϴ. ԷϿ .
\ textcircled end{ \small }, \textcircled{\small },
\textcircled{\small }, \textcircled{\small document} .
'''׸ 12-1:''' [] ׸ "hoze \cirnum" ƿ ں Ͽ ֽϴ. KTUGBoard:3777'''''' combinum(free version) Ἥ 99 ڸ ֽϴ.
== ȣ ==

=== ȣ ===

'''׸ 13:''' ȣ Ű ߿ ϴ.
ifsym ȣ ׸ ϴ. sty ׸ [http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//fonts/ifsym/ifsym.ps ifsym.ps] 22ʿ ߶ Դϴ.
ifsym Ű ֻ, ȣ ǥ, µ, ð ߾ ִ ð Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz Frank Mittelbach
{{ { |
The Latex Graphics Companion, 1977, Addison-Wesley
} |}}
" 8 " ü, ѱ , ٵ, ī , ° ⿡ ͵ ֽϴ. " 5 " ׷ ̷, Knot ̷, " 6 " ȭ ڽ, ȸ, " 7 " Ǻ ֽϴ.

=== ifsym Ű ===
[http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/mirrors/CTAN//fonts/ifsym/ifsym.ps ifsym.ps] ifsym.sty ִ ȣ(font) ̵ε Ͼ Ǿ ־ бⰡ ޴ϴ. ׷ symbols-a4.pdf ã ѵ ణ 쵵 ֽϴ.
켱 ifsym.ps 17,19  " " ˱ ϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 47 "
Table 154: ifsym Pulse Diagram Symbols "
" " ֽϴ.
\usepackage{ ifsym} Preamble ְ
{{ |
} |}}
ϴ. ⼭ ifsym \usepackage{ifsym} Preamble ־ Դϴ.
ifsym.ps ֽϴ. ̰ ifsym.sty ִ ȣ(font) ̵ε Ͼ Ǿ ־ б ϴ.

 ȣ ifsym ŸϷ ɼ մϴ. ifsym symbols-a4. ps pdf 6 60 Tabelle 4 ִ `\StrokeOne, ..., \StrokeFive` ȣ ǥ
Table 217: ifsym Clocks
ĸ ʿ (Option misc) Ǿ ֽ . ̰
{{ { |
\ usepackage[misc] showclock{ ifsym }
{} % \showclock{5} {40}
ð ǥ ִٰ Ͽϴ. ׷ ɼ ϴ. ifsym.ps 3
Tabelle 1 : Die Befehle fur Uhrensymbole (Option clock)
ð ȣ ǥ ĸ ʿ "(Option clock) " Ǿ ֽϴ. ׷ ,
{{ { |
} |}}
ɼ մϴ. 4 Tabelle 2 ִ ȣ ǥ ĸ ʿ (Option weather) Ǿ ֽϴ.
=== () ǥ ===
'° 缱(/) ߴ ' symbols-a4.pdf (2003 9 29) 40 60 "
Table 126 218: Extensible Accents" Other ifsym Symbols
÷ ׸ 1 (1) `\usepackage{cancel}` 6 ̰ Ʒ (2)-(5) ֻ ǥ ` \ usepackage Cube{ cancel 1} ` Դϴ , ...
ɾ ` , \ cancelto Cube{ B 6} {A}` `A->B` Ÿϴ. B ۾ scriptsize Ÿ ɼ Smaller մϴ.
. ̰͵ ifsym.ps 6
{{ { |
%------ Tabelle 4: Die Befehle fur verschiedene Symbole (Option misc)
\documentclass{article |}} %
(Option misc) Ǿ ֽϴ. `\ usepackage[Smaller]{cancel}%ɼ thicklines StrokeOne, ..., \StrokeFive` ȣ ǥð ϰ ں
%ɼ Smaller \cancelto{ B}{ A} B ۾ scriptsize
\ begin usepackage[misc]{ document ifsym}
\begin{equation |} \label{1}
a \hskip մϴ. symbols- 5pt / + b -a \hskip-5pt / = b a4.pdf 59
\end{ equation}
\begin{ equation}\label{2} |
\cancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \cancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b Table 215: ifsym Weather Symbols
\end{equation |}
\bcancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \bcancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b ǥõ ֽϴ. ̰͵ ifsym.ps 4
\end{ equation}
\begin{ equation}\label{4} |
\xcancel{(a-b)^ Tabelle 2 } + b\ \xcancel{- : Die Befehle fur Wettersymbole ( a^2-2ab+b^2 Option weather) } = b
\end{equation |}
b + \cancelto{ "( a-b Option weather) ^2}{(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b + (a-b)^2
" Ǿ ֽϴ. µ ݵ \ end Thermo{ equation 0}
, ..., \ end Thermo{ document 6}
=== ͹ ϰ ǥ ===
(: Thomas' Calculus 11th ed., 2005) ͹ `\textrm{}` óϰ ֽϴ.
symbols-a4.pdf ɼǿ Ͽ .
$ft^2$ or $\textrm{ft}^2$ or $\textit{ft}^2$

WinEdtTip Project

<!> KTUG Խ ִ ̾ƺ ̸ Ű ̴ּ ߺ , ʴ , ٲ ־ ġ Դϴ. --Yhchoe

1 LaTeXSymbols
2 ȣ Է:
2.1 Լ ǥ
2.1.1 Variable-sized Math Opreator
2.2 ǥ
2.2.1 (Binary Operator)
2.2.2 (Binary Relation)
2.3 smallmatrix, м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ), ȣ(ݥ)
2.4 n
2.5 ȭǥ
2.5.1 Commutative Diagram (CD)
2.6 () ǥ
3 ۲
3.1 "Ȯ ƾ"
3.2 Phonetic Symbols
3.3 (, , , ₤)
3.4 SI ǥ
3.5 ٱ߱(Cross Out)
4 ۲
4.1 ũ
4.2 ׸
4.3 ׸ ڿ Ÿ ڸ ϰ
4.4 amssymb
4.5 ѱ,
4.6 ǥ ǥ
4.7 ȣ(), Ʒ ǥ
4.8 mathabx Ű ġ
5 , , ȣ
5.1 pifont
6 ȣ
6.1 ȣ
6.2 ifsym Ű

1 LaTeXSymbols

[http]symbols-a4.pdf Scott Pakin "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List" ֽ(2005-09-22)̴. ȣ Ű(usepackage) Բ Ͽ. Index(82-105) TeX ɾ Բ ȣ ׸  ãⰡ ϴ.[1] ٷ (2003-09-29) ϸ Symbol 2826 3300, ǥ 210 225, ʼ 91ʿ 105 þ. ߰ Ư 62-63
Table 222: phaistos Symbols from the Phaistos Disk
Table 223: protosem Proto-Semitic Characters
Table 224: hieroglf Hieroglyphics
Table 225: dictsym Dictionary Symbols
׸ ڵ̴.

  • [1] μϿ θ ȴ. WinEdt  Usepackage 𸣴 찡 . ̶ symbols-a4.pdf ϸ ϴ.

2 ȣ Է:


2.1 Լ ǥ


׸ 1: ̸(function name) ǥõǴ "Լ " ǥ[2] -- WinEdt â Tool Bar [3] Gui Page(: )[4] Ÿϴ. "Functions(x) ..." ׸ 30 Լ(function) (operator)[5] ǥõ Ÿϴ. "Լ" "" ǥõ 忡 ׳ \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh ɾ Էϸ ݰ ۲ Ǿ ǥǵ Ǿ ֽϴ.

̹ ǵ "Լ" "" ǥ(: 밢 Ÿ diag) 忡 \mathrm{diag} Էϸ ˴ϴ. ׷ ̰ ǮϿ ̸ ƿ ں
ó Ͽ ų, DeclareMathOperator Ἥ Ͽ մϴ. -> [http]symbols-a4.pdf 7.3 Math-mode spacing (74-75)

<!> \mathop, \newcommand, \DeclareMathOperator, \DeclareMathOperator* ̸ "log-like function" ϴ Ʒ ׸ "Variable-sized Math Opreator" Ǵ DeclareMathOperator Ǵ http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=newfunction .

  • [2] symbols-a4.pdf(2005-09-22) 34(Table 96) ̵ deg, Pr "Log-like Symbols" Ͽϴ. "atomic math objects" ڴ ֽϴ. "log-like function"̶ մϴ. ̵ 忡 \arccos, \arcsin, ..., \tanh, \dig, \Pr Էմϴ. ̵ det, gcd, inf, lim, liminf, limsup, max, min, Pr, sup ÷ 忡 ÷, Ʒ÷ ġ ٸϴ. ̷ ȣ Variable-size Math Operator մϴ.
  • [3] TeX Symbols GUI: Ű TeX "TeX Ⱑ ߾ " 񱳿 ȣ GUI ߴ WinEdt, AcroEdit, JEdit, EmEditor ִٰ Ͽϴ.
  • [4] ٸ ̰ ϴ ޴ ߵ ִ ȸ Ŀ(ȭǥ) ΰ 콺 Ŭϸ ׸ó Pop-up ޴ Ÿµ ⼭ Ʒ ִ "Show Gui Page Control" ˴ϴ.
  • [5] ⼭ "" Ѽȸ "п" Դϴ. "Լ" "" Դϴ. "Լ"  ۿϿ οϴ (function)̰, ""  () Ǵ Լ ۿ(operation)Ͽ οϰų ٸ Լ οϴ մϴ. Ȥ "" ̿ ۿϿ ο Ÿ (binary opreation: , , , ) ȥϴ ֽϴ. ׷ ׳ "" ۿ ڴ е ֽϴ. " " ȣ " "(binary relation: ȣ, εȣ, ) ȣ ȥϴ 찡 ֽϴ. 忡 ̵鿡 ־ ݾ ٸ ȴٴ ֽϴ. ȥ ϱ ؼ "", " ", " " Ͽ մϴ. Ʒ " ǥ "

2.1.1 Variable-sized Math Opreator

Ʒ ׸ " ۲" ׸ 10 "Math" ֽϴ. ϰ Ǿ ִ ȣ displaymath 忡 Ʒ÷ڴ ȣ ٷ ؿ ̰ ϰ, ÷ڴ ٷ ̰ մϴ. ̷ ȣ "Variable-size Math Opreator" մϴ.

̹ ȣ "Variable-size Math Opreators" ǵǾ ˾Ƶθ մϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 21-25
 "Table 47: Variable-sized Math Operators" (Ʒ ׸ 9 Ÿ ū ȣ 14)
 "Table 48: AmS Variable-sized Math Operators" 
 "Table 49: stmaryrd Variable-sized Math Operators"
 "Table 50: wasysym Variable-sized Math Operators"
 "Table 51: mathabx Variable-sized Math Operators"
 "Table 52: txfonts/pxfonts Variable-sized Math Operators"
 "Table 53: esint Variable-sized Math Operators"
ӿ ִ ȣ "Variable-size Math Operator"Դϴ. ľ stmaryrd, wasysym, txfonts, pxfonts, esint ں ־ Ű Ÿϴ. ٸ AmS amssymb ־ մϴ.
<!> : stmaryrd, wasysym, mathabx, txfonts, pxfonts usepackage ش Ÿ ־ ϴ ٸ Ű 浹 ų ֽϴ.

׸ ȣ \int\limits_{x=0}^{x=1} ó ɾ ٷ \limits ־ ȣ ٷ Ʒ ٷ ÷ڰ ٴ ͵ ֽϴ.
\det \gcd \inf \lim \liminf \limsup \max \min \Pr \sup
ɾ ԷµǴ ڴ Variable-size Math OperatorԴϴ. ׸ "Table 97: AmS Log-like Symbols"(34) Ÿ ɾ Դϴ.
\injlim, \varinjlim, \varlimsup, \varliminf, \projlim, \varprojlim


2.2 ǥ

Mittelbach TLC2(The LaTeXCompanion, 2nd ed.) 528 ʿ
Table 8.11: Symbols of class \mathord (miscellaneous)
ְ Ʒ
A common mistake is to use the symbols from Table 8.11 directly as Binary operator or Relation symbols, without using a properly defined math symbol command for that type. Thus, if you use commands such as \#, \square, or \&, check carefully that you get the correct inter-symbol spaces or, even better, define your own symbol command.
ϰ ٷ 8-9-4 ÷ ξϴ. 8-9-4.ltx ̿Ͽ Դϴ.

׸ 2: ȣ

2.2.1 (Binary Operator)


׸ 3: ȣ

2.2.2 (Binary Relation)

symbols-a4.pdf(2005-09-22) 25-30ʿ ȣ ִ.

׸ 4: ȣ

2.3 smallmatrix, м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ), ȣ(ݥ)

ִ smallmatrix, м ǥ, ǥ(2 X 1 ), ȣ(ݥ) WinEdtTip/ űϴ.

2.4 n

Ʒ "ı۲" ÷ε ׸ 9 "n abc" ߰ ֽϴ. ̰
Էµ˴ϴ. ⼭ n 3 ٲٸ 3 ȣ ˴ϴ. Ȱ¯ {} ӿ ʿ (: a^3+b^3 ) ˴ϴ. ߸ \sqrt{} Էµ˴ϴ.

2.5 ȭǥ

arrows.jpg ׸ 5: WinEdt Gui Page "---> ..." ǥõ Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 31-33ʿ ִ ȭǥ ߿ GUI ߷ Դϴ.

Q1: ߿ rightarrow ̸ ̰ մϱ? ؼ ׷ϴ. ִٸ ˷ּ.

A: symbols-a4.pdf 32
Table 85: stmaryrd Arrows
\rightarrow ª \shortrightarrow ֽϴ. ߿ $\shortrightarrow$ ˴ϴ. ׷ ɾ Preamble

Q2: (From KTUGOperate:13586) rightharpoonup ϸ ª ȭǥ ǥð Ǵµ...
1) xrightarrow ϴ ó ̸ ǥ ִ ?

2) rightharpoonup * ǥϿ ϰ ?

A: [http]symbols-a4.pdf 41
Table 130: empheq Extensible Accents
\xrightharpoonup{} ˴ϴ. Ͽ .

2.5.1 Commutative Diagram (CD)


׸ 5-1: Commutative Diagram

Q3-1: (From KTUGOperate:5343) Ŵ ãƵ ó ǥ ŸⰡ ׿.
       n-1       1         0
Mn =  ----> ... ----> ... ---> M0
⿡, ȭǥ ڸ ִ ˰ ͽϴ. \frac{ }{ } ϸ ߰ --- ̷ , \overrightarrow ϸ vector ǥó Դϴ.

Q3-2: (From KTUGOperate:9568) Ʒ Էϱؼ  մϱ? stackrel ص, ϴ ʴ.
A ----------> 0
A: CD ȯ(amscd Ű) մϴ.

  A     & @>a>b> & B              & @<c<<  & C     \\
  @VdVV &        & @A{E_1}A{E^2}A &        & @VVfV \\
  D     & @>g>>  & E              & @<h<i< & F

  M_n =  & @>n-1>> & \cdots & @>1>> & \cdots &  @>0>> M_0
ϸ ׸ 5-1 Ÿϴ.

ٸ ɾ \stackrel Ǵ \xrightarrow ϴ(Helmut Kopka & Patrick W. Daly A GUIDE TO LaTeX, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999, 135 "5.3.5 Stacked symbols" ). ϸ ó "r->0" ȭǥ ʿ Ÿ ° Ʒʿ Ÿϴ.


$$A \stackrel{r \to 0}{\longrightarrow } 0$$

$$A \xrightarrow{r \rightarrow 0} 0 $$

$$A \xrightarrow[r \rightarrow 0]{} 0 $$%{} ־ 0 ȭǥ  Ÿ

Q4: (From KTUGOperate:17235) 밳 ȭǥ \longrightarrow \to Ǵ \mapsto ȭǥ ׸ų \nearrow ణ 񽺵 ȭǥ ׸⵵ ϴµ 쿡 İ ̿ 밢 ȭǥ ׸ ʿ䰡 ֱ. 쿡  ؾ ϳ? ׸ ȭǥ ⸦ ʿ䰡 ִ 쵵 ?

A: XY-pic ϴ ֽϴ. [http]xyguide.pdf Ͻʽÿ.

2.6 () ǥ


° 缱(/) ߴ [http]symbols-a4.pdf 40 "Table 126: Extensible Accents" ֽϴ.


׸ 6: ׸ (1) \usepackage{cancel} ̰ Ʒ (2)-(5) \usepackage{cancel} Դϴ.

ɾ \cancelto{B}{A} A->B Ÿϴ. B ۾ scriptsize Ϸ Ÿ ɼ Smaller մϴ.

Ͽ .
\usepackage[Smaller]{cancel}%ɼ thicklines   ǥð ϰ 
 %ɼ Smaller  \cancelto{B}{A} B ۾ scriptsize 


    a \hskip-5pt / + b -a \hskip-5pt / = b
    \cancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \cancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
 \bcancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \bcancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
 \xcancel{(a-b)^2} + b\ \xcancel{-(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b
 b + \cancelto{(a-b)^2}{(a^2-2ab+b^2)} = b + (a-b)^2


Q5: I know how to write like this.
 5    16    2
 -- X -- = --
 8    15    3
But I want to describe the process of dividing out common factors from the numerators and denominators. For example, there should be '1' above 5 and '3' below 15, and so on. How do I cross out the letters and write a little numbers above or below the numerators and denominators..

A: \newcommand \DeclareMathOperatorOperator Ͽ 忡 ι Ʒ 2ó ɾ \mathop ʿ մϴ.



׸ 6-1:

$$ {\mathop{\cancel{5}}^{1}}\quad ... \quad {\mathop{\cancel{15}}_{3}} $$


3 ۲


׸ 7: ִ ü ü, Ÿü, Ÿü Tool Bar ߰ ֽϴ. Է ֽϴ.
  1. ش (μ Sans) \textsf{} ȭ鿡 Էµǰ Ŀ(I) ǥ {} Ÿ ֽϴ. ̶ ǿ ڸ Էմϴ.
  2. ڸ ǿ Էϰ ȭ鿡 ϴ κ ش ߸ ˴ϴ. ׸ X ϴ ̰, ݺϿ Ųٷ Ž ö󰡸鼭 մϴ. Ķ X Verbatim ϴ Դϴ.


3.1 "Ȯ ƾ"

http://www.ktug.or.kr/jsboard/data/setup/files/20041024170253/german.png ׸ 8: Ͼ, , , , Ű ȣ(Text-mode Accents) θ[6] TeX ٷ [7] WinEdt " " ٲ ʾҴٸ "Default(Window) Charset" ߾ ֱ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ٷ Էϸ ? ǥõ˴ϴ. ׷ "Ȯ ƾ" ڸ ʴ WinEdt ش θڿ Accentɾ մϴ. Ͼ "A 칫Ʈ" \"{A} Էմϴ. ĭ𳪺 {\O} Էմϴ. WinEdt GUI Page "International" Ŭϸ ׸ Ÿϴ. θڸ Է ȣ(Text-mode Accents) ̰ θڸ ش ߸ Ŭϸ θڿ ش ɾ ϴ. ƴϸ ɾ \"{} Էϰ ǥ {} ش θڸ ˴ϴ. Ͼ ٷ {\ss} Էմϴ(׸ ). ׸("International" GUI Page) ִ ɾ ܿ [http]symbols-a4.pdf 12-15ʿ
Table 18: Text-mode Accents 
Table 19: tipa Text-mode Accents
Table 20: extraipa Text-mode Accents
Table 21: wsuipa Text-mode Accents
Table 22: phonetic Text-mode Accents
Table 23: metre Text-mode Accents
Table 24: t4phonet Text-mode Accents
Table 25: arcs Text-mode Accents
"Text-mode Accent" ֽϴ.

<!> ħ International" GUI Page ȭ ǥõ ֳ׿. ̰͵ ٷ ɾ {\euro} Էµ˴ϴ. \usepackage{eurosym} ں ־ մϴ.


3.2 Phonetic Symbols


׸ 8-1: symbols-a4.pdf 10

Q1(From KTUGOperate:18771): ȳϼ? winedt ۾ε... ȣ  ǥϴ.. ֽø ϰڽϴ.

A: [http]symbols-a4.pdf 9-12
 Table 10: tipa Phonetic Symbols
 Table 11: tipx Phonetic Symbols
 Table 13: wsuipa Phonetic Symbols
 Table 14: wasysym Phonetic Symbols
 Table 15: phonetic Phonetic Symbols
 Table 16: t4phonet Phonetic Symbols
Phonetic Symbols ֽϴ. ̰ ϸ鼭 ԷϽø ϴ. Ͻô
Table 10: tipa Phonetic Symbols
ɾ ں
˴ϴ. (accents and diacritics) ȣ  ؼ ׸ Ͻʽÿ.

޴ ʿϸ

Ͻʽÿ. "accents and diacritics" ޴ 17ʿ ֽϴ.


3.3 (, , , ₤)

symbols-a4.pdf 16
 "Table 29: textcomp Currency Symbols"
ӿ , , , ₤ ֽϴ. ߿ ٷ \usepackage{textcomp} ں ־ մϴ.


3.4 SI ǥ

(: Thomas' Calculus 11th ed., 2005) ͹ \textrm{} óϸ ˴ϴ. ft Ÿ $\textrm{ft}^2$ մϴ. ü(SI: Systeme International d'Unites) [http]SIstyle.pdf Ͻʽÿ.


3.5 ٱ߱(Cross Out)

Ʒ ׸ ߿ (Underline Emphasis) ǥϰų Ʋ (Strike Out) Ÿ Ͽ "ٱ߱" ʿϸ ulem Ű մϴ. -->See KTUGOperate:2697

׸ 9: Cross Out

Ʒ ҽڵ CTAN CTAN:/info/examples/tlc2 3-1-16.ltx Խϴ.
Double underlining  (\uuline{under-line}),\\
a wavy underline    (\uwave{under-wave}), \\
a line through text (\sout{strike out}),  \\
crossing out text (\xout{cross out, X out}),


4 ۲

:-9 ⼭ 忡 Ϲ ٸ ȣó ڿ Ư ۲ ϴ Ͽ մϴ. 忡 ۲ ٲٴ п۲ Ͻʽÿ. mathTypeface0.jpg

׸ 10: Math ִ N, B, B, C, F, T ߰ ֽϴ. 忡 ִ \mathds{}, \mathbb{}[8], \mathbf{} (), \mathcal{} ( ζü), \mathfrak{}, \mathrm{}[9] ۲ Ÿϴ. \mathbf{}, \mathcal{}, \mathrm{} Ű ʿ \mathds{} dsfont Ű, \mathbb{} amssymb Ű, \mathfrak{} eufrak Ű մϴ.


׸ 10-1: symbols-a4.pdf 46(Table 151: Math Alphabets) 忡 ִ ĺ( ) ۲ð Ű ֽϴ. Ʒ ׸ (2003-09-29) Դϴ.
  • [8] : ڿ ü \mathbb{N}, ü \mathbb{Z}, ü \mathbb{Q}, Ǽ ü \mathbb{R}, Ҽ ü \mathbb{C} Ÿϴ.
  • [9] θü


4.1 ũ


׸ 10-2: [http]LaTeXe font selection 17 ʿ Խϴ.


4.2 ׸


׸ 10-3: ׸ ҹ ñ׸, Խ÷, Ÿ, , , ǡ(Ǵ Ƕ)  ؼ ֳ׿. ׸ ڼ Ͽ .


4.3 ׸ ڿ Ÿ ڸ ϰ


׸ 10-4: symbols-a4.pdf 75 (Table 231: Producing bold mathematical symbols) ֽϴ. ׸ (2003-09-29) Դϴ. \usepackage{amsbsy} Preamble ְ \mathbf{\rho} ſ \pmb{\rho} (Poorman's bold) ϴ.


4.4 amssymb


׸ 11: ɾ Ÿ Preamble \usepackage{amssymb} ԷϿ մϴ. μ (Gui Page) AMS Ŭϸ ſ ֽϴ. Ÿ \therefore Էµǰ Ÿϴ. \because Ÿϴ.

<!> п ϴ Bourbaki Ǹ ϱ Ͽٰ Ͽ׿.(EmptySetSymbol) TeX ɾ \emptyset ִ ֽϴ. Computer Modern Math Symbol Ʒ ׸ ó 0 缱 / ͸ \emptyset Ͽϴ. ׷ amssymb Ű \varnothing̶ ɾ ٿϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 44ʿ Table 145: Miscellaneous LaTeX2e Math Symbols \emptyset ּ پ ֽϴ.

"Many people prefer the look of AMS's \varnothing(Table 146) to that of LaTeX's \emptyset."

4.5 ѱ,

忡 ѱ, ٷ  ʽϴ. ѱ, ׳ text ̳ (Operator) ̳Ŀ ణ ٸϴ. ׳ text ҷ ʿ \text{ } ų ں
\newcommand{\ildd}{\text{ }}
ɾ Ͽ ΰ ˴ϴ. (Operator) \mathop{} ų ں
ɾ Ͽ ΰ ˴ϴ. (See DeclareMathOperator)
Ʒ ѱۿ Ͽ ִ (, ) ɺ(ȵǴ ͵ . , , , , ..., , , , ..., ̴ ) ȣ âǷ Ͽ ʽÿ. 츮 б å


4.6 ǥ ǥ


׸ 12: symbols-a4.pdf 36ʿ Table 109: AmS Delimters ȣ , ֽϴ. ȣ \usepackage{amssymb} Preamble ־ մϴ. WinEdt Tool Bar ߸ Gui Page Ÿϴ. ߿ Symbols ׸ ȣ Ÿϴ. ⼭ \ulcorner Էµ˴ϴ. 㳴ǥ(, ) ȣ Բ KTUGOperate:12770 ں
Ͽ ˷ ּ̽ϴ.

ҽ Ͽ Ȱ¯ǥ {}, 鹭ǥ (), 蹭ǥ [] ǥ µ ¦ ãⰡ ֽϴ. ϰ, "F12" Ű ǥ ã ݴϴ. (cf. KTUGContrib:478 ׸ Delimiters(¦ ã) )

4.7 ȣ(), Ʒ ǥ

ȣ(AB), ȣ(ABC) ڿ ȣ() ִ symbols-a4.pdf 40 "Table 128: yhmath Extensible Accents" ֽϴ. Preamble
Էϰ ӿ $\wideparen{AB}$ . 70 "Table 228: Manually Composed Extensible Accents" ǥ (), ǥ [] Ʒ ִ ֽϴ.

<!> Ʒ  Ȱ¯ ǥ {} ׸ 10 ߸ մϴ.

4.8 mathabx Ű ġ

42 "Table 133: mathabx Extensible Accents" ǥ (), Ȱ¯ ǥ {} Ʒ ִ ֽϴ.

<!> mathabx Ű ڵ ʽϴ. ׸ http://ftp.ktug.or.kr/tex-archive/fonts/ mathabx.zip Ǵ http://www-math.univ-poitiers.fr/~phan mathabx.me.tar.gz ٿεϿ Ǯ Ʈ ͸ ־ KTUGOperate:15430 ÷ TeX ϵ ʽϴ. ̾ƺ KTUGSetup:7535 ÷Ͻ mathabx-install.zip texmf-user Ʈ ͸ Ǫ ϴ. Ʈ ͸ Ǯ ڵ TDS ° ġ˴ϴ.


5 , , ȣ


5.1 pifont

̸ ""(Zapf Dingbats font) " ȣ" ֽϴ. " ȣ" Ҹ(item ڵ ȣ Ǵ ȣ) ϴ symbols-a4.pdf 53 "Table 171: pifont Cicled Numbers" ֽϴ. ǥ ()
pifont (part of the psnfss package) provides a dingautolist environment which resembles enumerate but uses circled numbers as bullet. In fact, dingautolist can use any set of consecutive Zapf Dingbats symbols.
Ǿ ֽϴ. dingautolist ȯ enumerate ȯ ѵ Ҹ(item ڵȣ) "" ٸ " ȣ" ֽϴ.

μ \usepackage{pifont} Preamble ְ
 \item \ding{172}, \ding{173}, \ding{174}, \ding{175}
 \item \ding{182}, \ding{183}, \ding{184}, \ding{185}
 \item \ding{192}, \ding{193}, \ding{194}, \ding{195}
 \item \ding{43}, \ding{51}, \ding{64}
 \item \ding{33}, \ding{34}, \ding{35}
 \item \ding{247}, \ding{248}, \ding{249}
 \item \ding{51}, \ding{52}, \ding{52}
 \item \ding{60}, \ding{61}, \ding{64}
˴ϴ. enumerate ȯ Ǵ quote ȯ
 \item[\ding{172}] \ding{182}, \ding{192}, \ding{202}
 \item[\ding{173}] \ding{183}, \ding{193}, \ding{203}
 \item[\ding{174}] \ding{184}, \ding{194}, \ding{204}
 \item[\ding{175}] \ding{185}, \ding{195}, \ding{205}

 \ding{172}, \ding{182}, \ding{192}, \ding{202}
 \ding{173}, \ding{183}, \ding{193}, \ding{203}
 \ding{174}, \ding{184}, \ding{194}, \ding{204}
 \ding{175}, \ding{185}, \ding{195}, \ding{205}
ó Ҹ ־ մϴ.


(!) "Ʒ ѱ" Ͽ , ..., , , ..., ̵ ˴ϴ.
(!) symbols-a4.pdf 12 Table 18: Text-mode Accents ֽϴ. ū ȿ ִ symbols-a4.pdf 58 Table 209: harmony Musical Accents ֽϴ. ѱ Ǵ ٸ ڸ ׶ ӿ ֽϴ.
 \textcircled{\small } \textcircled{\small }
 \textcircled{\small } \textcircled{\small }

 \Kr{} \Kr{} \Kr{} \Kr{}

׸ 12-1: ׸ "hoze \cirnum" ƿ ں Ͽ ֽϴ. KTUGBoard:3777 combinum(free version) Ἥ 99 ڸ ֽϴ.


6 ȣ


6.1 ȣ


׸ 13: ȣ Ű ߿ ϴ. ȣ ׸ ϴ. ׸ [http]ifsym.ps 22ʿ ߶ Դϴ. ifsym Ű ֻ, ǥ, µ, ð ߾ ð Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz Frank Mittelbach
The Latex Graphics Companion, 1977, Addison-Wesley
" 8 " ü, ѱ , ٵ, ī , ° ⿡ ͵ ֽϴ. " 5 " ׷ ̷, Knot ̷, " 6 " ȭ ڽ, ȸ, " 7 " Ǻ ֽϴ.


6.2 ifsym Ű

[http]ifsym.ps ifsym.sty ִ ȣ(font) ̵ε Ͼ Ǿ ־ бⰡ ޴ϴ. ׷ symbols-a4.pdf ã ѵ ణ 쵵 ֽϴ.

켱 ifsym.ps 17,19  " " ˱ ϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 47
Table 154: ifsym Pulse Diagram Symbols
" " ֽϴ. \usepackage{ifsym} Preamble ְ

 ȣ ifsym ŸϷ ɼ մϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 60
Table 217: ifsym Clocks
\showclock{}{}% \showclock{5}{40}
ð ǥ ִٰ Ͽϴ. ׷ ̰ ɼ մϴ. ifsym.ps 3
Tabelle 1: Die Befehle fur Uhrensymbole (Option clock)
"(Option clock)" Ǿ ֽϴ. ,
ɼ մϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 60
Table 218: Other ifsym Symbols
1 6 ֻ ǥô \Cube{1}, ..., \Cube{6} ϶ Ͽ׿. ̰͵ ifsym.ps 6
Tabelle 4: Die Befehle fur verschiedene Symbole (Option misc)
(Option misc) Ǿ ֽϴ. \StrokeOne, ..., \StrokeFive ȣ ں
մϴ. symbols-a4.pdf 59
Table 215: ifsym Weather Symbols
ǥõ ֽϴ. ̰͵ ifsym.ps 4
Tabelle 2: Die Befehle fur Wettersymbole (Option weather)
"(Option weather)" Ǿ ֽϴ. µ ݵ \Thermo{0}, ..., \Thermo{6} ϰ ܰ ǥ ֽϴ. symbols-a4.pdf ɼǿ ϴ.

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