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2005-06-20 TeXify Ǵ "TeXifyϴ" ʾƾ ϴ . TeXify MiKTeX ̴ Դϴ. ǥ web2c texi2dvi(texinfo ƿƼ) texify α׷ ϴ. MiKTeX texi2dvi ϸ鼭 TeXify ̸ ٿµ texify Debian ƿƼ ִٴ . ƿƼ ٸ ۼ LaTeX ִ ϴ, MiKTeX TeXifyʹ ٸ ϴ Դϴ. TeXInfo ̳ MiKTeX ̳ ⺸, ڰ MiKTeX ȵȴٰ Ϸ ƴ ̻ "TeXifyϴ" ǥ Ἥ ȵȴٰ մϴ. Ű ǥ ʹ ִµ, ð´ ġڽϴ.

TeXifyϴٴ ǥ 4 (66.67 %)
2 (33.33 %)
Total votes6

:-9 Ѹ: 2001⿡ ۿ WinEdt 4.0 WinEdt 5.0 ϸ鼭 "WinEdt 4.0 TeXify ߰ µ WinEdt 5.0 TeXify ߰ ִ" Ͽ׿. MiKTeX 1.20 2.0 ׷̵ ϴ. ׷鼭 TeXify ƴҰ? 𸣴 Դ ̰ Tool ϴ. Debian ƿƼ texify ̹ ־ ̶ մϴ. Debian ƿƼ texify ִ ٵ 𸣰 Դϴ.-Yhchoe

LaTeX TeXԷκ ؼ ģ ؾ Ѵ. Ϲ ʿ ãƺ, ׸ ٴ .tex óϷ ģ.
#> latex foo %   , ȣ, index  ӽ Ϸ .
#> latex foo %    ٲ  ѹ  latex ش.
#> makeindex foo % ãƺ⸦ .
#> bibtex foo %  .
#> latex foo % ݱ  ӽ ϵ ҷ鼭  dvi .

óִ texi2dvi ƿƼ̴. texi2dvi MiKTeX( MiKTeX) TeXify Ư ̸ θ ִ. ٸ ýۿ texify ϸ texi2dviʹ ٸ α׷ Ű Ī̴. Debian ִ texify TeXԷ ϴ Ͱ ƹ ƿƼ̴. fpTeX̳ W32TeX web2c ٸ TeXImplementationTeXify ƴ϶ texi2dvi ƿƼ ϰ ִ. ٸ ý۰ ȥ Ϸ TeXify ǥ Ϲ ʴ . ׷ MiKTeX TeXify TeXify Īϰڴ.

texi2dvi ̸ ش. texi2dvi LaTeX Է(.tex) ƴ϶ TeXInfo Է(.texi) ó ֱ Ȯ  α׷ ҷ ϴ ̴.
#> texi2dvi foo.tex

PDFLaTeX Ϸ Ѵٸ -p ɼ .
#> texi2dvi -p foo.tex



  • -@
    Use @input (instead of \input); for preloaded Texinfo.
  • --batch, -b
    No interaction.
  • --clean, -c
    Remove all auxiliary files.
  • --expand, -e
    Force macro expansion using makeinfo.
  • -I dir
    Search dir input files.
  • --help, -h
    Display help and exit successfully.
  • --language=lang, -l lang
    Specify the language of input files: either latex or texinfo.
  • --max-iterations=n
    Limits the number of iterations to prevent endless processing. The default for n is 5.
  • --mkidx-option=option
    Pass option to the index generator.
  • --pdf, -p
    Use pdftex (or pdflatex) for processing.
  • --quiet, -q, --silent, -s
    No screen output unless errors (implies --batch).
  • --run-viewer
    Run a viewer on the resulting DVI (PDF) file.
  • --texinfo=cmd, -t=cmd
    Insert cmd after @setfilename in copy of input file. Multiple values accumulate.
  • --tex-option=option
    Pass option to the compiler.
  • --verbose, -V
    Print information on what is being done.
  • --version, -v
    Display version information and exit successfully.
  • --viewer-option=option
    Pass option to the viewer.


TeX TeXify

Ʒ MiKTeX ƴ϶ texi2dvi θ ϸ ȴ.

  1. WinEdt
    <!> WinEdt (TeX ) TeXify Ǵ PDFLaTeX (GUI) ϳ óѴ. ->KTUGContrib:499

  2. UltraEdit TeXify
    1. -구설정 â ԷѴ.
      texify "%f"
    2. ۾ 丮 %P ϰ, ޴ ̸ TeXify Ѵ.
    3. , " ڷ" "DOSâ ̱" (üũ)Ѵ.
    4. Ͽ ´.
    5. ̴ Ͽ Ͽ Shift-Ctrl-0 TeXify ȴ.

  3. NTEmacs-KTUG TeXify
    1. C:\Program Files\ktug\Emacs-21.2\site-lisp ִ tex-site.el .
      (defvar TeX-command-list
      κ ãƼ ߰Ѵ.
      (list "TeXify" "texify %t" 'TeX-run-command nil t)
    2. $HOME/_emacs ãƼ control-FunctionKey ߰Ѵ.
      (global-set-key [(control f11)] 'do-TeXify)      ; TeXify the current file
    3. Ͽ do-TeXify () Լ Ѵ.
      (defun do-TeXify ()
         "TeXify the current file."
         (TeX-command "TeXify" 'TeX-master-file))

      TeXify Ctrl-F11 Ű ҴǾ.

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