Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of new developments.
FrontPagegromov/TeXHelpOnWhatIsObsolete&value=WindowsTeXϱ占쏙옙占쏙옙占占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙占쏙옙/占쏙옙표&value=Tabular환경Karnes/2011-07&value=&value=Karnes/2011-07&value= › Yhchoe/WinEdt̵
(!) ̰ Yhchoe WinEdt õ Դϴ.
DeleteMe 켱 Խǿ ɸ ũ ؼ YhchoeWinEdt̵  redirectǵ ߽ϴ. --Karnes

ַ WinEdt TeX ˾ θ ξϴ. ߿ WinEdt ڼ WinEdtTip ֽϴ.

1 TeX ?
2 WinEdt ġ
3 MiKTeX WinEdt ġ
4 WinEdt
4.1 ޴, , GUI
4.2 DOS
4.3 (, Template)
4.5 Yap WinEdt "Դٰ ϱ"
4.6 ɵ
4.7 (GDI: Gather Data Interface)
4.8 Tree (Project Tree)
4.9 å(Bookmark) ̿
5 Yhchoe ġ


1 TeX ?

TeX μ Ѹ Ѵٸ "DZ"(Typesetting)̴. WinEdt([http]ũ) Windows TeX αִ ƴѰ ʹ. WinEdt ѱ Է HLaTeX ѱ ۲ ۿ ٴ ̴. ׷ Hangul-ucs ۲ "޸", JEdit, AcroEdit  ҽ ڵ带  ; Ѵ. ڵ ״ ִ. ׸ Ʒ FreeSoftwareʹ ޸ ShareWare(Ϻ: л 30, Ϲ 40)̰, Ⱓ ִ.

鵵 "϶"(Syntax Highlighting) Ͽ TeX ڵ(ҽ) ɵ ִ.
  1. JEdit: Hangul-ucs ۲õ ִ. ([http]ũ)
  2. AcroEdit: Hangul-ucs ۲õ ִ. ([http]ũ)
  3. Emacs Ǵ NTEmacs([http]ũ)
  4. ViEditor Ǵ VimEditor
  5. LyX: WysiWyg ؽƮ ó([http]ũ).
  6. GNU TeXmacs: LaTeX μ ѱ ȵȴ([http]ũ).
  7. Ų(Mac OS) LaTeXMacOSXġϱ, [http]Mac-TeX, [http]XeTeX .


2 WinEdt ġ


4 WinEdt

[http]WinEdt in Action: Snapshots WinEdt Ұ ִ. ù Guide.html ִµ ӿ ִ.
 WinEdt's flexibility includes:
 * completely customizable Menu Bar (including shortcut keys)
 * completely customizable Tool Bar
 * User-Defined Popup Menus for context sensitive response to the right mouse button and/or (double) shortcut keys

 For advanced users, WinEdt provides further means to customize the program by also offering:
 * A Simple Macro Language
 * Transparent conversion of TeX equivalents to 8-bit international characters (eg. accented characters) 
   during Reading and Saving
 * A definition of double-stroke (emacs-like) shortcuts through a flexible Popup Menu mechanism
 * The ability to set-up context sensitive commands
 * Special Graphic Interfaces that allow users to associate an array of Icons with certain commands or macros
 * Fast Compilation of a "Table of Contents" or "Labels" for quick positioning or referencing (respectively)
 * Automatic Delimiter matching...
 * Active Strings and Command Completion functionality (a very powerful and flexible feature)...


4.1 ޴, , GUI

TeX ֽ ġ, ġ ִ ڵ Ѵٸ WinEdt ޷ִ ϸ ȴ. Ǵ ̿Ͽ ̰ų . ٲ Ǵ Ǵ ų ȴ. ̷ ġ 뿡 ɾƼ ڵ ų ġ() Ѵ. MiKTeX-KTUG 2.3 Total Ҵٸ پ ϴ 5~6 ϵ ִ. ϵ Ȱ ϵ ϴ ׸ ƴϴ. ɾ ȯ ϰų ޴󿡼 ã ʹ ۾̴. ̰ ޴ ߸ Ͽ (GUI: Graphical User Interface) ȯ صξ. ߿ ̹ ο ͵ ڰ οϿ ֵ (KTUGSetup:3185) ִ.

׸ ȯ Է :

׸ ۲ B, I "Ʈ ︰ ׸" ߿ Ŀ "Insert Image" dz . ̴߸ figure ȯ Էµȴ(׸ Doc1 1-5 ). ⼭ 2 "% Requires" ִ
߶ Preamble θ ȴ.

ǥ ȯ Է ޴:

WinEdt "޴" Insert->Objects->Table ã Ŭϸ table ȯ Էµȴ. ٽ Ŀ \caption ٷ տ ΰ `Tabular (n x m) Ŭϸ Dimensions ȭڰ ߰ Rows Columns ϰ OK ߸ tabular Էµȴ(׸ Doc1 9-16 ).
(Compile) (View) ߵ:  ٸ Ϸ ġ (Compile)̶ Ѵ. WinEdt ׾߸ " ư" CompileѴ. MiKTeX Ű(Ǵ ٸ Ű) ԵǾ ִ LaTeX α׷ Ѵ. ߷ "(Compile) "Ͽ ش. (WinEdt â TeX ϵ ϴ [http]WinEdt and TeX: step-by-step guide... Ǵ KTUGContrib:499 .) (Compile) ߵ(11) ̷ ִ 5 ߴ (View) ߵ̴.
<!> Ȥ Ŭ ϰ Ÿ ins ̳ dtx Ϸ ϴ ִ. ̷ ϵ LaTeX ߸ ϸ cls, sty, tex, dvi . ->See KTUGOperate:5426, KTUGOperate:10886, KTUGOperate:10942. <!> Ʒ DVI PS, PDF 'dvi->pdf' dvipdfm(-cjk) 'DVIPDFMx' ٲٴ ִ.

HTML ߿ ޴:
(Compile) (View) ߵ(16) Ͽ HTML ߵ ְ ޴ Accessories Options ߵ ִ.

TeX Symbols GUI: Tool Bar (TeX Symbols GUI) ̸ "GUI Page Control"(ٸ KTUGOperate:1737) . Math, Greek, Symbols, ... ִ ӿ 500 ȣ, Ʈ ߰ ִ.

[http]LaTeXCad LaTeXCad ϱ Ͽ ߿ οϴ LaTeXCad ġϰ ϴ ִ.


4.2 DOS

WinEdt â DOS ִ ߰ ִ. ϳ "Command Prompt"(̸ "DOS â"β̴ Ŀ ִ ) ̰, ϳ "Run Application..."(̸ "" ȭ) ̴. WinEdt ߵ Ʒ dz ߸ Ŭϸ "Run Application..." Ÿ, ٷ ° ߴ "Command Prompt" ̴( ׸ ). "Command Prompt" εܼ ԷϿ "Run Application..." "Command Line:" ٸ Ͽ ־ ȴ. WinEdt â ٷ "Run..." ȭڸ Lambda , MetaPost , MetaFont , GhostScriptUtilities (ps2ps ) , Nomenclature ( Ǵ ȣ ) WinEdtTip/DOSɽ Ͻʽÿ.


4.3 (, Template)

WinEdt (, Template) ϰ ޴(Popup Menu, Main Menu) Ŭ ԷѴ. Template ̹ (Factory Made) ְ ڰ ִ. WinEdtTip/Templates



From KTUGContrib:957 dvi->pdf: TeX ҽ  DVI ̸ WinEdt dvi->pdf ߸ pdf ִ. WinEdt â DVI θų WinEdt â ȣ ڵ Ÿ. ̶ "DVI ̸" ߸ Yap â DVI ش. Yap â DVI ų ʾҰų DVI WinEdt â Ȱȭ Ǿ dvi->pdf ߸ ų Command Console() pdf ִ. ->See KTUGOperate:7288

WinEdt dvi->pdf ߸ Ἥ (ѱ Ǵ ڰ ) dvi pdf Ϸ ChoF dvipdfmx ֵ ణ ʿϴ. KTUGContrib:292 ÷ε 'dvi2pdf.zip' Ǯ dvipdfmx.bat ϰ 'dvi2pdf.edt' . KTUGContrib:292 Ͽ 'dvipdfmx.bat'
  C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Bin\TeX
 C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt\Exec\MiKTeX
ִ 'dvi2pdf.edt' zip Ǯ 'dvi2pdf.edt' ٲٸ ȴ.

<!> 1: dvi Ͽ pdf Acrobat Distiller , ѱ̳ ȣ  ϴ ִ. dvipdfmx .

<!> 2: dvi Ͽ pdf Dvi Landscape(η а) Ǿ 'dvi->pdf' ߸ ߷. WinEdt ߵ ִ Dos ߸ Ŭϸ ۾ ΰ ԷµǾ ְ > Ʈ ̰ ִ. Dvi ̸ 'foo.dvi'̸ > ⸦ Ͽ
 dvipdfmx -l foo
Էϰ 'Enter' Ű ȴ. ۾ Dos â ʰ ٸ ۾ ٸ ִ. 'exit' Էϰ 'Enter' Ű ϴ. seminar Ŭ Ἥ PDF ̵带 eps ׸ ִ ׸ Ÿ ϴ 찡 ִ. 'dvi->ps', 'ps->pdf' ߸ ȴ.

dvi->ps: TeX ҽ  DVI ̸ WinEdt 'dvi->ps' ߸ 'ps' ִ. DVI θų WinEdt 'dvi->ps' ߸ ȴ. (WinEdt DVI . DVI а 'DVI ̸' ߸ ȴ.)

TeX Ͽ PDF Usepackage Ŭ 'dvi->ps', 'ps->pdf' ľ Ҹ ִ. (eps ܺ ׸ ִ ׸ Ÿ ϴ 찡 ִ.)

WinEdt 5.3 dvi->ps ߸ "Dvips..." ȭ(dialog: KTUGOperate:5407 ׸ ) Ÿµ ̶ 'Generic Parameter' Ͽ Ѵ. ('Help' ߸ Ƿ ణ ʿϴ.) ν 'seminar' Ŭ
 -P pdf -t A4 -z
ϴ. ׸ (ѱ ) 켱
 -P pdf -G0
Ͽ , ȵǸ ٸ Ͽ . WinEdt 5.4 Ű WinEdt ׸ "WinEdt dvi2ps .

Dvi 'Portrait' Ǿ ִ, 'Landscape' Ǿ ִĿ 'Orientation' ° Ͽ ϸ, ϼ ps GSView("Ȱ " ߸ ˴ϴ.) GSView â ޴ 'Orientation' Ʒ ִ 'Swap Landscape' üũѴ. ׷߸ 'ps->pdf' pdf ´.

<!> : TeXå μҿ ʸ ps pdf ̾߱Ⱑ ִ.


4.7 (GDI: Gather Data Interface)


4.8 Tree (Project Tree)


4.9 å(Bookmark) ̿


5 Yhchoe ġ

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